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There sure is much to ponder these days...  INDEED! And it's making me... angry... hungry... hangry ! Hmm... Maybe some soothing music will help...? Hmm... I'll keep on adding playlists here, no matter what - *one* of them is bound to be playable, sooner or later, surely, eh? Ah - see? ;-) ...just making sure now...  ...just keep watching  THE NEWS  And you may also wanna check out:
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Hmm... WTH

 No... NO WAY...  This... pattern wasn't part of this template?  Or was it? And I ignored it!?  WHAT THE HELL...  The certified symbol  -though inanely simplistic-  of the antichrist:  the cross, upside down...  ALL ALONG THE SIDEBAR!?  A sidebar depleted of its features;  so many dead links there  (dead ends, like antichristic behaviour is, really!)  so I could be excused to have not even  LOOKED there - certainly not looked twice!  Those hyperlinks I could easily wipe out,  with the back of the hand, then -  AND I DID JUST THAT!  Hence the debut, here, for 2025,  of the new template for this particular blog;  the Antique template.  That other template?  Taken out, extirpated from here,  swapped away with the back of the hand indeed  just as the Antichrist will be  by The Returning Christ  THE AWESOME & AWE-FULL JUDGE  SON OF GOD  REDEEMER - of...

Hmm... FOR ME?!?

  After causing me all manners of annoyance,  YouTube actually put together  THE PERFECT MUSIC to describe MY 2024...!?  AND HERE IS THAT PLAYLIST:  NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT  THIS "MIX"... SUPPOSEDLY "MY MIX" WAS NOT READILY EMBEDDABLE  NOR SHAREABLE IN ANY WAY -  I HAD TO RECREATE IT PIECE BY PIECE...  while I was at it, of course, I made some changes;  added some MEGA-LONG videos  -you'll see, near the end -  and subtracted that one odd pick there:  I AM NOT AL PACINO, YOUTUBE!  I HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH SCARFACE!  I DON'T SNIFF COKE!!! AND, BY THE WAY...  But that's another story

HMM... 2020 WON ~ 2020 TWO!?

 Those... ominous semi-predictions  came to be true, pretty much..., now...  what can be hoped for  OUT OF 2023?  The preceding was brought to you by  Things To Come ... +++ 

hmm... better roles, she said?

 Recently (most recently; as that was... yesterday!)  on the award-winning talk show hosted by  KELLY CLARKSON (yeah - another "hmm" right there!)  this actress comes on (via zoom, skype or whatever)  and professes to have "fallen in love all over again with acting "  thanks to this new role that she nabbed... on this:  ...TOO BAD... the actual interview in which she  gushes so about it is just GONE...  It is based on a book - see?  One that is highly recommended ~ y'hear:  hmm... me, I still prefer  The Lumineers! But that's another story!  back to that actress though - EVE...  She recounts that she ALMOST QUIT ACTING  because all she was ever offered were parts of  "booby girlfriends" (I paraphrase...?)  (lest it was "bubbly GFs" - huh?)  (But no - I am pretty darn sure she spoke of boobs!)  and, still, she didn't quit... she persevered...  she made a name for herself while retaining ...


 OR NOT TO GET VACCINATED?  THAT IS THE QUESTION  RIGHT NOW!!!  ugggggghhhhh... QUACKS!  can't trust a thing they say!!!  One quack prescribed something  to an elderly patient - it killed the geezer!  It's always a 50/50 chance -  just like with the vaccine!!!  I better prepare for the worst  and hope for the best - as I always said! 

hmm... golden globes?

  Ever wondered why the hell they started rewarding  cheap TV without much in the way of standards of any kind  -often employing the same thespians, over and over again-  AND WHY did they ever decide to call these things  "THE GOLDEN GLOBES"  as this clearly doesn't always involve the whole damn globe  and there's no real gold to be dug up - nowhere!!!  The most prestigious award they have to give out,  truth be told, probably would be the  CAROL BURNETT (ACHIEVEMENT) AWARD  and they've given a grand total of... THREE TIMES  (including the one given away tonight: to 98 year-old  Norman Lear! Good thing they didn't wait any longer - eh?  As they could have given it to him last year: instead, they  chose to give it to ELLEN...!!! That's the video above...  The inaugural one -below- was Carol Burnett herself - duh)  Yeah, yeah - alright, alright;  they've got the CECIL B. De MILLE AWARD, too...  ...