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hmm... better roles, she said?

 Recently (most recently; as that was... yesterday!) 

on the award-winning talk show hosted by 

KELLY CLARKSON (yeah - another "hmm" right there!) 

this actress comes on (via zoom, skype or whatever) 

and professes to have "fallen in love all over again with acting

thanks to this new role that she nabbed... on this: 

...TOO BAD... the actual interview in which she 

gushes so about it is just GONE... 

It is based on a book - see? 
One that is highly recommended ~ y'hear: 

hmm... me, I still prefer 
The Lumineers!

But that's another story! 

back to that actress though - EVE... 

She recounts that she ALMOST QUIT ACTING 

because all she was ever offered were parts of 

"booby girlfriends" (I paraphrase...?) 

(lest it was "bubbly GFs" - huh?) 

(But no - I am pretty darn sure she spoke of boobs!) 

and, still, she didn't quit... she persevered... 

she made a name for herself while retaining some degree 

of near-anonymity (because nobody knows her last name! 

I sure don't! I didn't look it up! Maybe it's in that trailer, tho? 

I dunno! Didn't watch it, either! LOL 

That's right, folks! I estimate I wasted enough time as it is 

watching that tidbit of the Kelly Clarkson show 

AND blogging about it - THAT IS ENOUGH!!! 

So... EVE there (not to be confused with Killing Eve) 

impressed the hell out of KELLY C by preserving her last name 

-keeping it private- while still achieving some notoriety... 

(hmm... the Killing Eve also did that - no? 

Actually, her, nobody knows the actress at all; 

they just know "Villanelle" the psycho lesbo! There...)


This Eve now - the one in the so-called Luminaries... 

She thinks she got a, er, meatier role... more meaningful... 

altogether BETTER than what she would usually get, 

in this very conventional story of an 

aristocratic woman who travels abroad... 

falls in love "with a beautiful man" 

meets an evil nemesis (another Eve: EVA GREEN!) 

who promptly proceeds to split them apart 

and frames our would-be heroine for murder... 

(but, of course, the murder of someone else; 

cannon fodder - not the beautiful man! Nooo..!) 




Thank God most other actresses know better...! 

And then there's VILLANELLE... 


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