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Hmm... There We Go Again 1.0

There it is again - the whole debate... who is BETTER? Nobody! That's who... what... where, when and how! But do people listen to the truth of this statement? Do they grasp the futility of all this hogwashy nonsense; for to waste time discussing, debating & pondering who is better than whom leads absolutely NOWHERE! Do they understand that? Do they GET IT? No! 

Hence... here we go!

One would be lying if one did not admit that this sort of thing gives us the opportunity to ask OTHER QUESTIONS here - more important, deep and profound questions regarding... tastes, preferences and hairstyles! Yes, hairstyles! Why not? Those are important topics... Rrrrright? Those are things that matter to us EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY OF OUR LIVES! And those are things that make us go ''hmm'' - well, some of us anyway! As for the rest... nah - let's not go there!

First things first though - let us submit for your assessment THE EVIDENCE:

Those Marvels, eh; marvel at their... GUTS! 
With so little to back it up...! 
No one *ever* asked for those Inhumans - NO ONE!
But they will pretend otherwise now - with all the might 
that Disney puts behind them!  
And what is this name for a SHOW: ''THWIP''?!? 
Is it an onomatopeia, a Kirbyesque sound effect *or* 
just  a bad joke at the expense of their mindless fans; 
like ''A THWIP FOR THE TWITS'' on Twitter? 
It has got to be, most likely, the latter... HMM?
The Dawgie & The Princess are cute though...  sure... 
But how far can this take us, really? 
She has neither Quicksilver nor Johnny Storm for BF! 
And she appears not just aimless but Clueless as well. 

And now - THE DCs... equivalents! Their show has always appeared as the most polished of the two - by far! And casual fans have heard of it while only Marvel Zombies know of LGBTQ Lorraine Cink and her THWIP twits...!  You can thank the WB for that - and the Cartoon Network, #DCAllAccess, #DCTV (never to be confused with @DCTVny mind you...!) etcetera!

So... Now that you've seen all the empirical evidence (available as of September 30th, 2017 - 6pm E.S.T.!) - let us judge! 

What are those Marvels...?!?  Lorraine Cink - is she even a real redhead? And is a VP/executive editor like Ryan Penagos the only co-host they can find her...?!? He's beyond geeky!!! And how about those DCs; Whitney Moore appears to be real blonde alright... with all that that entails! But Jason Inman (despite being a -ugh- Jason; and in spite of his wearing that hackneyed bat-symbol t-shirt too!) he appears to be at his place, at least, in front of a cam - plus he's admitted to being nerdy on!

'Twas a whole behind-the-scenes feature for Marvel (on top of the cutesy-wootsy GIF of a girrrl and her huge pooch!) and only an 18-second teaser of a DC here... But we can make an educated call here, I am certain, even in such an unbalanced, so-obviously biased set-up... BOTH OF THEM SUCK - EQUALLY! 

We recommend boycotting 
from either WB... DC... 
or Disney... Marvel. 
Without exception! 

You will feel so much better for it! 
You will be FREE... as a BIRD! 
the preceding message is NOT approved by Twitter! 
Or Blogger, for that matter! 





Apparently there wasn't enough room for TWO JASONS in the DC Universe --- Momoa is Sea King, so, Inman just had to go...


Whitney Moore stays on - and, as this new DC trend picks up steam now, she will soon be partnered up with another blonde --- with whom she will share lengthy, languorous liplocks just like White Canary has done on "Legends of Tomorrow" with numerous partners in fact; one at a time though --- every DC show has to have a pair of those now, BY DECREE...



Maybe Lorraine Cink wants to jump ship -now, while she can- and join DC before Marvel's inevitable sinking into mediocinkty... sorry, mediocrity!


Then again maybe Lorraine is right where she needs to be - if you catch what I am screaming!

Give the job to somebody who truly needs it (such a hard job, too - to smooch Whitney while talking about all things DC - versatility and the ability to multi-task required!) and someone who truly deserves it --- maybe one of those Inhumans-out-of-work there - Medusa/Zatanna; come back to the fold, baby, all is forgiven - or the ingenue without much else going for her; Crystal... hmm?


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