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Showing posts from September, 2006

Hmm... And what if Dubya and crew really did know... huh?

... ... It would mean that Uncle Sam has the blood of 3,000 on his hands. Plus 12,000+ more, who have had their lungs contaminated by deadly toxins in the clean-up operation of the WTC site, Ground Zero air being filled with DEADLY DUST PARTICLES... And that means that close to 15,000 lives of their own people were deemed expendable, just so the country could "snap out" of a recession, with WAR. War for oil too - America's obsession! And, Uncle Sam had the perfect guinea pig all set - they had wanted to attract attention to him for a long, long time... They finally did then - Osama Bin Laden is now the enemy for the entire Western world! Not saying that he did not do this, 5 years ago... I am just saying that he had INSIDE HELP... Quite possibly! No wonder the eagle cries...