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Showing posts from June, 2013

Hmm... Summer Has Been Summered...?

They do say that Spring Has Sprung - when it officially does, even though it's still cold as hell out there...!  Why not use the bogus verb of ''summering'' as it should be used, too, then, when the favored season has FINALLY arrived - HUH? All right, all right - we won't do it because to do so might doom us all and jinx the aborning summer to be the shortest one ever in human recorded history! For the only accepted use of the verb ''summering'' implies to pass the summer and so it implies it has already left us... *cry* :-( But this post is just about 'nother of them blasted Google Doodles, is all...! Hence, there is nothing to fear or dread of the kind - OKAY? Hmm...  And this blog is rapidly becoming a succession of reviews of doodles, ranging joyously and copiously from Google's oodles of poodles to all other manners of noodles that regularly provide themor the source material for them on the puddle that is the world wide web....