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Showing posts from July, 2018

Hmm... Bastille Day, Eh?

La prise de la Bastille...  La Révolution!  LA GUILLOTINE!  A great day to celebrate... hein?  Vous pensez ça, vraiment... les Français?   VRAIMENT?!? NOT!  Certainly not when one remembers  what truly transpired on that day... And, when you truly think about it,  what was obtained that day?  Liberté? POUR QUI - POUR QUOI?  Égalité? HA! PAS DU TOUT!  FRATERNITÉ?!?  Don't make me laugh!!!  Maudits Français - hypocrites!!  Tous des têtes de Macrons - va!  Forget your old adage/maxime/slogan... GO WITH  THIS BLOODY ONE INSTEAD: