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Showing posts from February, 2019

Hmm... Pink?

How in blue (or... pink) blazes  is the color PINK chosen now  for a WEAR PINK day  bent on stopping  BULLYING?  Yikes - seems to me  wearing a pink t-shirt  would only be  an invitation  for MORE  BULLYING...!!!  ... which kinda, well, y'know...  defeats the original purpose here... huh?  The artist known as PINK - on top of that -  has inspired many, yes...  but to a whole lot of different things -  INCLUDING VIOLENCE!  That is the bully's favorite... ah... tool, you know?  That and taunting - lots of taunting...  Name-calling... goading into a sucker punch, usually!  Damn them bullies - damn them all!  Not smart one iota - just the basic street smarts  and those are plentiful among the inbreds, really!  But that's another sordid story... PINK has, therefore, inspired some  to START A FIGHT... ...

Hmm... The Times!

You've heard the expression:  "oh - what times we live in!"  Hmm...  That is *exactly* why we have got to do  as Dave says - in this classic tune of his here:  learn to live... and love... again!