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Showing posts from January, 2007

Hmm... Verglas does sound better than just "ice rain" - does it not?

+++ A utility worker uses a pole to remove debris and fallen tree branches from frozen power lines in Springfield, Mo., Sunday. The third round of a powerful storm caused several deaths, dangerous driving conditions and widespread power outages that began earlier in the weekend. Photo By Mark Schiefelbein, AP LA CRISE DU VERGLAS was how they called it in Quebec, 1998 - most of the month of February was a horrible nightmare back then in "la belle province"... People died, people froze... No electricity, no power, only a few hours of daylight and then it was the darkness and cold again. Dehydration and hypothermia were constant threats. It was just horrid. In the midst of all that, something was rediscovered, for a brief time anyhow - human fraternity. And then, when everything came back to normal, it was lost again. Individualism and indifference came back to the fore. To this day, it hasn't stopped. I hope that, down in Missouri, Oklahoma and in all the other states th...

Hmm... Is Justice really improving in this world after all...?!?

On the date that, waaaaay back in 1431, the trial of one JOAN OF ARK began, we learn that a 9/11 plotter has his prison term increased! It was doubled in fact, in a German court of all places, in Hamburg to be more specific... Justice is improving, being meted out in a harsher way to those who deserve it too, in the country where, a relatively short time ago (what's 60-65 years in human history? Peanuts...) dementia and lunacy overtook an entire nation (or a good portion of it) and possessed the collective psyche enough to have them commit such atrocities... All in the name of the imaginary "master race"...! I should apologize for the very condensed -very spontaneous too- luminous history lesson... But I will not! ;) Suffice it to say - if Joan of Ark got the stake, 576 years ago today... Surely Mounir el Motassadeq deserves to get 15 years in prison... And to be decked all along the way... I know - easy one to say... Or type, really... Sue me, willya? ;)


Feeling hesitant about flipping that page and peeking to see, now that I mentioned it... eh?