Have a look and take a gander at this guy - exclusive (or not-so-exclusive, perhaps - but these were indeed taken by MOI!) pictures of a stilt man on skates! Not just any stilt skilled skater either; a funny bogus player of the Habs (aka the Montreal Morons... er, Maroons... no, that's not it either... the Canadiens! Yeah! Not to be confused with the gold medalist ones - these are just the mediocre ones! But I am digressing again, and so early on, yet again...!) The name made it for me - a man on stilts is mildly amusing, but this kind of stuff is for the kids, really... The fact that he wore a jersey of the local club was a GIVEN - alas. These pics are taken at the site of the Montreal HighLights Festival - Montréal En Lumière, after all! On February the 27th, 2010, to be exact... aye. Nothing truly enlightening there, really - but they make full usage of available kiloWatts and their sponsor, Hydro-Québec, foots most of the bill, so it is all deLIGHTful, for sure... But ...
Nothing ludicrous here... Only some luminous words... And ludacris music! *Lol* - among others! The languishing blog + the lambasting blog = luminous pondering! NOT the ludicrous blog, NO! It's as simple as that! All Right? Enjoy! ;-)