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Mord, Lapoussière - MORD!

Have a look and take a gander at this guy - exclusive (or not-so-exclusive, perhaps - but these were indeed taken by MOI!) pictures of a stilt man on skates! Not just any stilt skilled skater either; a funny bogus player of the Habs (aka the Montreal Morons... er, Maroons... no, that's not it either... the Canadiens! Yeah! Not to be confused with the gold medalist ones - these are just the mediocre ones! But I am digressing again, and so early on, yet again...!)
The name made it for me - a man on stilts is mildly amusing, but this kind of stuff is for the kids, really... The fact that he wore a jersey of the local club was a GIVEN - alas. These pics are taken at the site of the Montreal HighLights Festival - Montréal En Lumière, after all! On February the 27th, 2010, to be exact... aye. Nothing truly enlightening there, really - but they make full usage of available kiloWatts and their sponsor, Hydro-Québec, foots most of the bill, so it is all deLIGHTful, for sure... But I am digressing again - aren't I? Anyway - let's move on...!
For me, hence, the joke was the sublime choice of a name for this big man on skates and stilts - a name that can truly be appreciated by the non-partisan of the miserable Montréal team! And that name is clearly visible on the back of the jersey: and it is LAPOUSSIÈRE! Meaning DUST - as in "il va mordre la poussière" or, more appropriately, "ils vont mordre la poussière"!
So true; the Canadiens will indeed bite the dust, any moment now! Their season is OVER! Bwah-ha-ha! But I am digressing once more...
Only a non-habs fan could have come up with such a brilliant one - and, whoever it may be, I salute thee! I couldn't have done better myself!
I can also imagine a finite minority of them habs fans being actually able to laugh at their team and recognize it for it what it truly is - a bunch of losers! But I cannot say more than that about the intellectual quotient of habs fans at large, really - they who are, after all, the rednecks of the north! I know: digression number 453627194537 - in a series of infinite proportions!

Just have a look at number 00, Moron "Lapoussière" already...!

Kudos to the guy -whoever he is- for staying on those stilts, skating around and then walking in the crowd WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS OF ANY KIND - posing for pics with anyone who was willing to be seen on such a pic...! Incredible display of leg muscle strength there, pal... Now, MORDS LA POUSSIÈRE already! The entire team, that is!

What is disarmingly distressing (not to mention cruel) irony, though, is that it was after seeing this loser on stilts, so aptly representing the entire below-average line-up of the Montreal Canadiens of the last two seasons (and, more particularly, the likes of Guillaume LATENDRESSE, Maxim LAPIERRE and other LaLaLa human steppers on ice...!) that the latter loser (Lapierre) scored a garbage goal (one of those lucky rebounds, caught on the fly - sheer luck indeed) against my beloved Bruins on March 2nd - a game officially coined as one of those "nasty games" because RDS broadcast it as one of them "Méchants Mardis" telecasts, eh. And they had no choice in the matter either; the game did take place on a Tuesday...!  But I am digressing here, once more...  Further aggravating, though, was the fact that that GOON, Dave Morissette, called the game right beforehand, on his itsy-bitsy moment on "Mise-O-Jeu" - a lottery that allows for fans to place bets on actual professional sports games! (That's, like ILLEGAL - is it not?!?)   What's more, this is an officially sanctioned by Loto-Québec thing and all (the shame!) - truly revolting for all Pete Rose fans worldwide, I am sure.... But I digress once more...
LAPOUSSIÈRE here seemed to herald that all Canadiens would indeed BITE THE DUST - and here they resurrected, much like the Boston Bruins themselves had done so, winning 3-0 in the previous meeting between the two clubs... 

Cruel irony ALL AROUND - but I'M USED TO THAT!



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