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Showing posts from July, 2012

Hmm... L or R

No wonder the left and the right are so merciless with one another in the political arena: it is but a reflection of a much more profound conflict that is going on... An inner conflict. One that lays waste to billions of our brain cells each decade that goes by, as that is exactly its battleground of choice and by predilection: inside our craniums' gray matter... Gray or colourful (which doesn't mean to say ''gray or gay'' - at all. Don't let the picture below influence you into seeing that certain rainbow's colours where they aren't all there at all...!) those are the two camps, the two trains of thought, the two tangents. And only one can totally prevail, although we oscillate between the two camps, sometimes leaning towards one, at other times espousing the aspects of the other. So, which one are you  - like, most of the time? Catalyzing Change Liked  · eon s ago, on FB, of course... We are ALL left brain and right brain. ...

Hmm... THIS Is Award-Winning Material?

Now, before we get to it - DON'T BE LIKE THE CROCS, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC! DON'T GO FOR MY THROAT! My intent is to critique, to indulge here in  an objective review of the entertaining and educational (not to mention morally acceptable) value of said material, as also in the advent of objective and 'fair use' of copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.   Aye, everything I will momentarily do here is completely in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 - read it and weep! (For more information, why don't you just go  there  already, hmm?) Thus, as this practice is entirely covered by the FAIR USE law cited above, there is nor reprisal possible, pals! I fear no one anyways... So now that THAT is clear - let us proceed and show the damn thing already! National Geographic Liked  · eon s ago   A wildebeest tussles with a crocodile  in an epic submission to the  National Geogra...