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Hmm... L or R

No wonder the left and the right are so merciless with one another in the political arena: it is but a reflection of a much more profound conflict that is going on... An inner conflict. One that lays waste to billions of our brain cells each decade that goes by, as that is exactly its battleground of choice and by predilection: inside our craniums' gray matter... Gray or colourful (which doesn't mean to say ''gray or gay'' - at all. Don't let the picture below influence you into seeing that certain rainbow's colours where they aren't all there at all...!) those are the two camps, the two trains of thought, the two tangents. And only one can totally prevail, although we oscillate between the two camps, sometimes leaning towards one, at other times espousing the aspects of the other. So, which one are you - like, most of the time?

Liked · eons ago, on FB, of course...

We are ALL left brain and right brain. We switch on and off... back and forth. 

“I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am.”

“I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feat. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel. I am everything I wanted to be.”

Hmm... We switch, back and forth, do we now? Really? 

Maybe one can indeed find a scientist that is also a passionate free spirit out there...? Not according to Burton Cummings though - Burton being one among many, many others who have the diametrically opposite opinion abut this possibility and he expressed it when he composed one of his best songs ever (and, paradoxically enough, one of his least-known gems) and titled it ''Boring Dreams.'' The song's chorus clearly repeats that he ''knew a man who a slave to science, and his dreams were boring!'' Case pretty much closed there...

One can imagine that there might be a living paradox that combines ''boundless imagination'' with cold analytical, strategic, practical logic. Such a being would be a demi-god though: and there are no such things as demi-gods.

Oh - right, right. And take a left turn then! We are all Jekylls and Hydes (note that I use those names and not copycats Banner and Bulk there! Interesting if not all-that-important sidetrack... Carry on now...) and we are, one day or for a while anyhow, calculating and ''always in control'' until the next moment when we perform some kind of switcharoo internally and we then become either touchy-feely, sensual-creative or a sensitive yearning poor bastard in living colour...?!? Right. Er... or left. I don't know anymore! Ever heard of TNT For The Brain, people?!?  (Enigma fans have, that is for sure!) Well, this here would then be something akin to PMS For The Brain! What a drain! 

So then, we're all schizo, at a very basic level... Cool. Or Hot?  Lukewarm - at best.
Choose your side for the next few minutes then - now!!! 

And then... SWITCH!
Or flip a coin...!


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