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Hmm... Is It Turkey, Tofurky Or...?


You never liked Big Bird all that much either... eh? ;)

Oh no, they murdered Big Bird!
Now they are going to eat him? :cry:

What did he ever do to them to deserve that? :(

Who's next? Cookie Monster?

God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Well... probably not Cookie... no...

I'd say Grover could be next... since he is clearly not invited to THIS Thanksgiving dinner... and I always saw him as one of the top stars on the show...

But really... that eagle big stiff should be next... whatsisname... Sam?

Sam The Eagle is NEXT...

Next in the special Sesame Street series on... ahem... FOWL PLAY.

They've released these things on DVD now - yup!

(Obviously, this is an "update comment" - made in 2007...! And turns out to be comment number 7, also! Yay - I should buy myself soem lottery tickets! Cause, as they say, "hey - you never know" - right? But I digress...)

The odd thing about this DVD release of such vintage children's fare is that - it is made out to be too "traumatizing" for today's kids!

You read that right: Sesame Street, as it was back then, is no good for the fragile psyches of children today!

Big Bird, for example, was partly so annoying because he talked to some kind of imaginary friend that he had - which was real, but invisible. It freaks kids out today!
The Big quack is clearly disturbed - we don't want that troubling our brats now...!

Ernie and Bert's so pathetically camouflaged (and alleged to be) closeted relationship (!) is a definite no-no these days too...
For, today, kids are used to seeing some of their classmates with either two mommies... Or two daddies... Isn't it on sitcoms all the time now?!?
No need for creepy closeting now! Nope - no more! All the creepiness is out in the open now (and you ghouls thought the Addams Family was BAD... HA!)
Gay sitcoms - yes.
Children's shows' ambiguity - no!

And poor tiny me; I always thought Ernie and Bert were brothers!
Or roommates!
Later, I wondered if they weren't father (Bert) and son!
Never did I see what forked tongues suppose them to be, nowadays...

Can diffamation of puppetry be sued, you think...?

Ah - don't answer that...!

Oscar The Grouch was another bad example, of course...
We have to SMILE - all the time!
It's a very bad example not to...
We have to teach our little hypocrites to keep it up - come on! It is key for their success in society, later on - they must hone their skills in the "kissing ass" department!
But that is another story...

So, Oscar - bad apple!

And so was the Cookie Monster!
Not just a bad example - an unhealthy one, yikes!
No one wants fat kids who develop diabetes too soon...
Yet, fat kids ABOUND...
NOT Cookie Monster's fault - for he has adapted already with the times and is MISNAMED as it is, now...
For he does not obsess over cookies as much as he used to...!
No, folks - HE is NO LONGER on the fast lane to insulin dependency!
Could he really be... FIBER MONSTER now?

Again - don't bother answering that!

The Count... the aforementioned Grover and Sam The Eagle... ALL bad examples in need of a severe updating for the healthy and politically correct times that we live in nowadays!

So, to release the original Sesame Street on DVD today, untouched and uncut (heck - UNCENSORED!) - it had to be given a rating PG-13 ultimately!!!

Imagine that - a show aimed for pre-schoolers is now deemed too much for them to handle or assimilate (heck, or simply deal with) and has become, in effect, adult fare!

WOW - just when you think you've seen it all... THE ABSURD STRIKES BACK AGAIN!

In what kind of world do we live in - going down the tubes and STILL not making sense!

Back then, things were MORE INNOCENT - not the opposite!!!

Lest sanitization that begets hit television such as the infernal TELETUBBIES and the violent crap, such as POKÉMON, is what kids "need" today...?!?

Kids become immoral earlier in their lives than EVER BEFORE...
13 year-old girls can go have an ABORTION these days...
Teenaged boys commit HEINOUS CRIMES...
But these sweet innocent "angels" cannot take in the mental punishment that SESAME STREET 1.0 was...?!?
How bad they would have turned out then, IF THEY HAD...



Oh - and I go back on what I said earlier...

Jealousy and envy will dictate who is killed NEXT...

They all hated Big Bird for being so TALL (on top of being annoyingly chatty...) - next, it is obvious who they'll want to silence forever...



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