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Showing posts from December, 2014

Hmm... Is It Canadian Or Christian?

Behold, all ye faithful - a veritable  Christmas Miracle : a movie made this very year  available for viewing right now  on the venerable YouTube! Now spend the next 90 minutes or so  pondering this question: is this merely a Canadian movie  (hence the why it is available for free) or is this really a bonafide Christian film (pro-Christian, we mean) - one with an agenda! And the agenda would be... well, putting The Christ back in Christmas ! Succeeding in this endeavour,  in this secular day and age,  would be nothing less than a miracle indeed! Now watch the movie: Directed by: Terry Ingram Screenplay by: Joseph Nasser  Starring:  Allison Hossack Aaron Pearl Dan Payne Luminous Rating: Three Stars And A Half out of five! ***