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Hmm... Is It Canadian Or Christian?

Behold, all ye faithful -
a veritable 
Christmas Miracle:
a movie made this very year 
available for viewing right now 
on the venerable YouTube!

Now spend the next 90 minutes or so 
pondering this question:
is this merely a Canadian movie 
(hence the why it is available for free)
or is this really a bonafide Christian film
(pro-Christian, we mean)
- one with an agenda!

And the agenda would be...
well, putting The Christ back in Christmas!
Succeeding in this endeavour, 
in this secular day and age, 
would be nothing less than a miracle indeed!

Now watch the movie:

Directed by: Terry Ingram
Screenplay by: Joseph Nasser 
Allison Hossack
Aaron Pearl
Dan Payne

Luminous Rating: Three Stars And A Half out of five!



Well, okay: to tell the truth...

THE INTERVIEW is being made available to watch on YouTube - but for a fee; a modest 6.99$ hey, c'mon - it's cheaper than at the movies!

And this offering, featuring both chubby Seth whatsisname and wannabehugestar James Franco, is there, readily available for all ''internauts'' - thanks, Sony!

But it's an exception...

Of course, Sony is doing this with that flick as a part of -one strongly suspects- a carefully, meticulously planned strategy to make a lousy comedy appear somewhat palatable to movie audiences; one that would have surely tanked big time had it been released in theaters! Right, Kim Jong-un?
Meanwhile, a mere three months later, the CHRISTMAS MIRACLE movie is just GONE from YouTube...

Other flicks, such as the previously mentioned, here, ''Vampire Woman versus Werewolf'' atrocity, ARE STILL AVAILABLE...

Simply incredible.


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