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Showing posts from April, 2015

Hmm... Easter Egg, Anyone?

As many of you know, an ''Easter Egg'' has become synonymous with hidden wink-wink kind of thing inserted anywhere into a film, book, video game or any other sort of piece of fiction there can be...  Fanboys (and fangrrrls - certainly not implying here that they have fangs, no; just character - in spades.) all eagerly seek those out in everything and anything that comes out and, so far, they have always been rewarded as what started as a mere tiny bit of vindication , a long time ago, has now grown to become standard practice indeed. Hence, without further ado, here is my Easter Egg: You don't see anything?  Really? Maybe that is because it is an extremely special Easter Egg... !  Hmm? Didn't expect that, hmm? And indeed it is, as it bridges the gap between that new fad  ( oh, qu'elle est fade, dis donc! Elle ne passera point le test ultime du TEMPS ... But that's all French to you...) AND THE TRUE MEANING OF EASTER - YESSIR! It is as if the co...