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Hmm... Easter Egg, Anyone?

As many of you know, an ''Easter Egg'' has become synonymous with hidden wink-wink kind of thing inserted anywhere into a film, book, video game or any other sort of piece of fiction there can be...  Fanboys (and fangrrrls - certainly not implying here that they have fangs, no; just character - in spades.) all eagerly seek those out in everything and anything that comes out and, so far, they have always been rewarded as what started as a mere tiny bit of vindication, a long time ago, has now grown to become standard practice indeed.

Hence, without further ado, here is my Easter Egg:

You don't see anything?  Really? Maybe that is because it is an extremely special Easter Egg...!  Hmm? Didn't expect that, hmm?

And indeed it is, as it bridges the gap between that new fad (oh, qu'elle est fade, dis donc! Elle ne passera point le test ultime du TEMPS... But that's all French to you...) AND THE TRUE MEANING OF EASTER - YESSIR!

It is as if the commercial and neo-pagan Easter stuff -complete with bunnies that lay chocolate eggs; it's not poop, it's chocolate! Right- wasn't enough competition to stray away from the true meaning of Easter, or Passover: the time God Chose to send us His Only Son... ''So that whoever believeth in Him does not die but lives eternally.''

Hmm... makes one wonder what it could get to be with Christmas, one day: if the world keeps on turning and ''commercial x-mas'' (sponsored by Coca Cola Santa) is also deemed not enough competition for the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS - maybe they'll invent something else there, too: how about virtual tidbits of information packed as gifts?  That'd make a whole lot of nerds' DAY... and night, too!  But that's another story...

And speaking of other stories...
Now THESE are my kinda bunnies! 
They bring MACARONI AND CHEESE to the table! 
Not caloric sweet things, full of conservatives 
- poison, in other words!
My sincerest regards to ANNIE, too, by the way...

Oh, yeah; if you still cannot get to MY EASTER EGG - here it is, on an easier virtual path! For, unlike all those game makers, eggheads, programmers and gamers alike, I shall make it virtually impossible to miss, not the other way around...!  In that, I imitate the Lord, the Redeemer, The Christ whose gift of salvation is given FOR FREE and couldn't be any easier to obtain.

Feliz Pascoa!                                                                                           +++


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