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Showing posts from September, 2017

Hmm... There We Go Again 1.0

There it is again - the whole debate... who is BETTER? Nobody! That's who... what... where, when and how! But do people listen to the truth of this statement? Do they grasp the futility of all this hogwashy nonsense; for to waste time discussing, debating & pondering who is better than whom leads absolutely NOWHERE! Do they understand that? Do they GET IT? No!  Hence... here we go! One would be lying if one did not admit that this sort of thing gives us the opportunity to ask OTHER QUESTIONS here - more important, deep and profound questions regarding... tastes, preferences and hairstyles! Yes, hairstyles! Why not? Those are important topics... Rrrrright? Those are things that matter to us EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY OF OUR LIVES! And those are things that make us go ''hmm'' - well, some of us anyway! As for the rest... nah - let's not go there! First things first though - let us submit for your assessment THE EVIDENCE: Step into the world of "Marv...