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Showing posts from November, 2005

Hmm... Star Wars is real?

This museum exhibit in Boston seems to be trying to make the case that Star Wars "science" and real science are getting closer and closer with each passing day... Yes, folks, we may very well be driving around in our own private little Land Speeder one day, soon... hmm... well, maybe... However, until they make them nifty light-sabers, I will not be convinced - nor satisfied! But of course, light-sabers are to be handled only by enlightened ones, as on the big screen now! For reality sure needs to imitate art if they ever do make them light-sabers - like, commercially!? Imagine them becoming available in an all-American Wal-Mart near you: any nitwit could pick one up, just like, I dunno, just like they buy a gun, for crying out loud! It should be restricted to an elite customer-base, really, for we do NOT want fanatics, lunatics or other "ics" strutting around brandishing weapons like that, now do we? They better ponder the question carefully before making any more...

Hmm... Teddy's words will come back to haunt him one of these days...!!!

Surely you know what Ted Turner once said... Surely every single one of you heard it before... That thing he said about Christianity - that it was the religion for LOSERS...? Teddy Turner may already feel like he paid dearly for that - I mean, where is he now? He lost his Jane, lost his WCW, got tossed aside the moment his company became the multi-mediatic conglomerate it is now...  (AOL/Time-Warner - see any Turner left in there?) The true morale here, is this: when you are fortunate enough to have been a winner for a fleeting moment in time, do not burp and do not gloat with conceit. An overwheening opinion of one's rank, one's creed or oneself in general will only be met by disappointment and bitterness to the utmost degree, in the end. For there are not merely dozens of losers - we ALL lose.  There is this classic song that claims ''Everyone's A Winner - That's A Fact!'' What it does not say is that we all win - sometimes. And then we all ...

Hmm... Is It Turkey, Tofurky Or...?