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Showing posts from 2010

Hmm... What's In A... Er... Three Numbers, Eh?

'Tis 10/10/10, folks! Just like last year when we had 9/9/9... And the year before that saw us have an 8/8/8... And before that we had the magnanimous 7/7/7, of course... And the ominous 6/6/6 before that... And of course, before all that we had been prepared psychologically with the 5/5/5s through 1/1/1s...! And still, all this is not to mention that in the next two years, we will have an 11/11/11 and a 12/12/12 too (watch out for that one, folks!) You get the idea! These once-in-a-lifetime dates that we have been living in for the past decade are always golden occasions to verse apocalyptic on you - so why not indulge them all, apocalyptically indeed, even at the risk of becoming dangerously (and did I mention apocalyptically ) redundant... hmm? How better, I ask thee, than to indulge in music and stunning (dare I add... apocalyptically stunning too?) visuals, all merged chaotically enough on videoclips for our viewing pleasure, delight and collective fright as well? ...

Hmm... Vacances... J'Oublie TOUT...?

It is possible to forget *everything* during one's vacation - if you believe the words of this classic gem from allegedly elegant one-hit wonders... Vacances J'Oublie Tout - Èlègance J'ai la montre arrêtée J'sais même pas l'heure qu'il est Le téléphone a sonné J'm'suis pas réveillé Direction salle de bain J'me fais couler un bain Je m'regarde dans le miroir Pas beau à voir En retard sur l'horaire Plus besoin d'se presser Radio libre allumée Stop pas de publicité Cette chanson bien côtée C'est le tube de l'été Me fait flipper De la tête aux pieds Je commence à ranger Car ce soir terminé Je serais sur la route Avec Bison Futé J'suis pas seul à rêver Du ciel bleu des palmiers Et des jours sans problèmes C'est la vie que j'aime (Refrain) Vacances j'oublie tout Plus rien à faire du tout J'm'envoie en l'air ça c'est super Folie légère Vacances j'oublie tout Plus rien à faire du tout J'm'envoie...

Hmm... Fashion Is For Zombies?

Love is blind - and so is the fashion sense!  BBB Clothing -  "because you want to look like a fashionista  when you make your exit in a casket!" *LMBO*  Hmm...  BBB Clothing  sure should  buy my slogan there!  :p

Hmm... I Think I Need Some Vitamins Now!

What? They're not available anymore?!? No more Four Horsemen vitamins? (We know Jean-Paul Levesque sure took a lot of them!) No more One Warrior Nation vitamins either Not even Stinger Splashes And much less Hulkamania Roids! *lol* Oh well - I can always go back to those barbarian days when I injested Flintstones vitamins, then...? :P

Hmm... Samsung, Eh? I Wonder...

The same maker of crappy DVD players,  crappier TVs and stereo systems obsolete VCRs  and still crappier cellphones  invites me to sit down  in a crappy theater  soiled with crappy fake popcorn butter  and crapfest so-called foods'  crumbs and leftovers  (if not regurgitated bits - outright)  AND sticky seats  due to the overflow of  soda pop sugars  SIT amidst an overexcited crowd  (overexcited for absolutely  NOTHING)  to watch a crappy waste of celluloid  - not to mention waste of MILLIONS  OF DOLLARS  THAT COULD HAVE HELPED BILLIONS  OF THE NEEDY ONES ON THIS PLANET  - or, at the very least,  produced a much better film than THAT...! Needless to say,  Samsung,  you can take the invite  and shove where the sung don't SING!  ;)

Mord, Lapoussière - MORD!

Have a look and take a gander at this guy - exclusive (or not-so-exclusive, perhaps - but these were indeed taken by MOI!) pictures of a stilt man on skates! Not just any stilt skilled skater either; a funny bogus player of the Habs (aka the Montreal Morons... er, Maroons... no, that's not it either... the Canadiens! Yeah! Not to be confused with the gold medalist ones - these are just the mediocre ones! But I am digressing again, and so early on, yet again...!) The name made it for me - a man on stilts is mildly amusing, but this kind of stuff is for the kids, really... The fact that he wore a jersey of the local club was a GIVEN - alas. These pics are taken at the site of the Montreal HighLights Festival - Montréal En Lumière, after all! On February the 27th, 2010, to be exact... aye. Nothing truly enlightening there, really - but they make full usage of available kiloWatts and their sponsor, Hydro-Québec, foots most of the bill, so it is all deLIGHTful, for sure... But ...

Hmm... Rrrrrrrrrrrright!

Hmm... Haven"t I seen this broad on some reality TV show, before?  Or a commercial, somewhere?  Web-infomercial?  Anorexics-R-Us membership drive...?!?  Something...?!? I just cannot shake that skeptical side off whenever I see things like this - and to have CNN and ABC attached to it does not help give any extra iota of credibility either!   They can be conned like everybody else - and that goes at least a hundred-fold for poor little "rachaelray" there...!!!   But that is another story... ;)

Hmm... Smoking... Is Healthy?

Just ask Britney ! Don't believe otherwise , no...! Heck, if you listen to some, you can even go for 50 a DAY and REMAIN HEALTHY...?!? Here's something to aim for, in this new year... eh? :-\