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Hmm... There For A Mosque?

This must have been one confused little green man out there...
Or, perhaps, it was something else entirely...

As reported so whimsically by ITN, a UFO was seen hovering above the reverent city of Jerusalem...!

Maybe the E.T.s are just vying to referee the perennial Israelo-Palestinian conflict?

They don`t know what they`re getting themselves into, poor aliens!!!

UFO spotted hanging over Jerusalem

A UFO has been spotted hovering over one of the holiest sites in Islam, the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Skip related content
It is the place where the prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven, built on top of a site sacred to Judaism.
The event was captured on camera by an American tourist and posted on YouTube.
It could easily be dismissed as a hoax, but someone else filmed what appears to be same event from a different angle.
The glowing ball of light dropping until it hangs just over the Dome of the Rock, before suddenly shooting off as if disturbed.

Alf will join Al Qaeda next.


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