Shall we invoke somebody he has never heard of - ever, ever, ever; I'd bet his Rolex that is worth more than my house on that - and suddenly sprout into song with this classic from Plastic (!) Bertrand of France... ''Je m'arrête ou je continue? (''X'' nombre d'années) oû j'en suis? À la fin - ou au début?'' Wooooo! (Never heard this either? Here it is... I hope!)

Not exactly a Nature Boy;
Plastic Bertrand has absolutely nothing
in common with Ric Flair!
But his song was heard in the movie
''Three Kings''
- so, maybe, the erstwhile leader of the
Four Horsemen
does know it...?
ANYWAY... The thing to ponder here is this: when you get older (especially in the range Flair has attained now) - when is it time to finally say ''STOP'' (or ''I've had it'' or again ''I'm outta here!'' - but we may be using the wrong example here as Ric still takes tumbles in the ring at his age, allows his own daughter to slap him around for the spectacle of it {WWE Circus} and did state that he would ''never retire''... sigh, rather than ''woo'' here!)
Hell, when you get this old... It's time to ponder things on a Grander Scheme... A Design conceived of by The Divine... not Vinnie Mac McMahon!!!
And NO - it is not even important what age he is now...!
AGE is just a number - and as Flair himself said, in the last days of WCW, he didn't get old ''he got great!'' (add optional ''woooo''s here...)
But there comes a time when the toll of the years, you know...?!?
Ric is not the same anymore - heck, he is not even of age to run for office now, much less wrestle!
And us, former fans now feeling sorry for the guy, we can only look back at what the man's destiny was... and pick our ''Favorite Flair'' (as in era) from the lot...!

Oh man... Ric, please retire already!
Leave us with the good memories only -
quit thrashing your own legacy
and PLEASE do not make us watch you
Just do commercials, after this birthday -
nothing else... please!