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Hmm... Songs sure do inspire us...


Some songs inspire us grand things... Some titles of songs are misleading too - likewise for the titles of certain albums... Such as Shakira's album pictured here... But that is another story! *lol*

What of songs' titles that, when coupled with the band's name... make absolutely no sense?!? As in the case of one of the tracks that you may be listening to right this instant as you read my whimsical bit - track #9 on the playlist to be found just down below here... "HOPE" by the little-known group called "Anathema". Hmm... what is wrong with THAT picture? Can there truly be any "hope" for the anathema?!? One needs to know the meaning of the word anathema of course in order to know... Or merely attempt to make any sort of call on that rather... ah... touchy subject still?

Touchy... but barely so nowadays! Who cares anymore about such things as the purgatory, limbo, hell, excommunication, the difference between seven deadly sins and seven venial sins... And who gives a flying fig about being deemed to be an "anathema" in this day and age? Huh? People have been practically *trained* not to care and to strive to shock the few who still hold these rather old values dear instead, either by themselves or by supporting such stage acts as... well, they know who they are! ;)

Nah - nowadays, nobody cares... almost! It is "to each his own" and all is fine... rrrright? *lol* Maybe not...? There should still be something such as... I don't know... moral standings?

There sure as heck exists the opposite out there - moral decay!

Ah - and if the playlist is merely a list and will most definitely not PLAY anything for you, here is the song in question:

free music


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