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Hmm... All that for MOI...?

The month of May is MY MONTH - à moi, à moi, à moi!
Yes, it is the month where I made my big splashy entrance into this world - was so disappointed with the place, like most of us are, that I erupted into tears on the spot too - and then they slapped my butt cheeks silly and told me to snap out of it!
Do ANY one of us ever really do, though... hmm?
But I am digressing...

It is amusing if not bemusing for me to notice that, this month, some old sources of annoyance ("annoyment"...?) are seemingly going out of their way to actually PLEASE ME this time around...
As if they knew it was my birthday soon or something...?!?

Unlikely - but all the facts are as follow:

- World Wrestling Entertainment's all-new LIVE pay-per-view offering this month is JUDGMENT DAY! On top of that, the advertising for their other pay-per-view offering - part of their "fanatic series" - bodly states that "this month (of May) the Apocalypse comes to television all month long". Wow - really. It is because their offering is the just released on DVD "Ric Flair & The Four Horsemen" - my all-time faves, on TV all month long, with promises of the apocalypse coming with it and the Day of Reckoning too - all of this just in time for my birthday?
My - I don't know what to say, really! Thank you - Linda McMahon!
(You didn't think I would thank VKM - did you?!?)

- ON THE VERY DAY I SHOULD BE CELEBRATING GETTING OLDER (duh!) - my beloved Boston Red Sox trounced the bedazzled Blue Jays 9 to 2! YAY!
Beckett went to 7-0; Big Papi contributed; Papelbon even got to rest!
Aye- all is well in our Red Sox Nation! :)
Onwards to another World Series Victory: feel like it's the 1910s all over again! *lol* But that is another story...

- ON THE VERY DAY of my birth, this year, an old favorite of mine was featured on CNN.COM - a rather short interview to promote his new book (his 9th - to go with over 80 movies!) at age 90! Kirk Douglas is reportedly "brutally honest" (in the book) about the sorry state of affairs in the world today; the poor rep that the once mighty USofA has garnered; the loss of his friends who did not get to be 90; and his family too! How ironic is that - I have been feeling like brutally honest about all these things myself -family, in particular- and many more subjects, in fact...!
The conclusion would be frightening, for me: at a much younger age, I am in the same state of reflexion than a nonagenarian?!? YIKES!)

- ALSO ON THE VERY SAME DAY... It was "announced" (as if it were big news... This said sarcastically, bien sûr! Read on...) that Johnny Halliday was returning to France! Hark, the prodigal son's returned - because taxes will be lowered now, with this Sarkozy dude in power instead of the elegant Ségolène Royal? (Yeah - the French, in the end, prove to be even WORSE than the Americans, Canadians, Québécois and English COMBINED when it comes to choosing a leader! The others might have sinned by electing the likes of Dubya (twice rather than once - fooled me once, shame on you; fooled me twice, shame on ME!) and cronie Harper and Jean Charest (out of pure indecision, really) and Blair - but here we have the poorest showing of a collective decision, like, EVER! No kidding it came from the descendants of those revolting (!) peasants who beheaded their king and queen - and all aristocrats in-between! They couldn't cope with the refined Ségolène (de sang Royal...?) so they went with un mufle instead!
It has to be the pits - the most abysmal thinking of all - to choose a brutal bloke over a real dame; un sarcophage plutôt que le sang royal! Mais enfin...
Sarkozy it is - the often foulmouthed jerk (with, I suspect, du sang de métèque dans ses veines! Avec un nom pareil, tu sais...) - and, apparently, his position on taxation and othet things led Halliday and others to believe their exile unnecessary now - for the FISC will not be so hard on them, allegedly...
And I thought Halliday to be a ladies man! He's evidently not Ségolène's type... (I hope he's not Nicolas' type either - blech!)
Just like the blogger who lampooned the "retour au bercail de Mr. Halliday" here, I do not give a rat's a$$ where he resides either - I am sure he never visits the woman who gave him his big break, his godmother Line Renaud! And it is her I admire - not him! Heck - I'll take Sylvie Vartan over him any day of the week too!
But I am digressing again...)
I just find it amusing that, to boot, Halliday is traveling through MY PART OF THE WORLD as all this is "announced"...

- ALSO ON THE VERY DAY of my birth, loathed PQ "leader" (the most anti-leader of all-time, I say!) André Boisclair RESIGNED from his position after the worst showing of his party in three decades during an electoral campaign occurred under his "leadership" and "guidance"...! He put on a brave, dignified front - but neither "brave" nor "dignity" are attributes that can be tagged to daydreamers with crazy causes like THAT...!

- AND, ALSO ON THAT VERY SAME DAY... That most execrable rodent of merchandising fluff that always exemplified, to me, all that I hate about trivial, out-of-control consumerism - MICKEY MOUSE, indeed - was exposed for what IT truly is: A DIRTY RAT!
Indeed, in the Toronto-based STAR.COM, it is revealed that the Al-Aqsa version of that famous vermin has been a vital tool in spreading the heinous message of the Hamas - TO THE KIDS! It is all here - click quick before the link is not live anymore!
Mickey Mouse has sold out to the enemy! I guess that other rodent I hate - Batty-Man - will be the next one to be exposed... And the Übermensch of steel after that... And, of course, how can one trust those (allegedly) marvel-ous pseudo-heroes; muties, spiders, hulking brutes and hellions with heads ablaze...?!? WAKE UP, FOLKS! THOSE ARE NOT "HEROES", PEOPLE! But I digress...
At least, I can be content that, on this day, all the stars aligned themselves (on my day!) to illuminate the world on this one very filthy dirty scoundrel of a rat: now all know that "Mickey" (known under his terrorist name of "Farfour" within the ranks of the Hamas...!) has a hickey not from "all-american" Minnie - but really from cavorting with Osama Bin Laden's harem!!!
Walt must be twisting-tossing-turning in his grave...

Yes - MAY seems to be shaping up as a LUMINOUS MONTH ALL RIGHT! :)

Then again, May will also see the release of a dreadful parodical evident waste of celluloid titled DELTA FARCE... Whenever a movie stars an actor who goes by the name of "Larry The Cable Guy" - you know that it is going to be BAD...
Not that I was ever particularly fond of Delta Force - but I do have respect for old-timers' work -my admiration of Kirk Douglas proves it- and I just know that Lee Marvin and Chuck must be twisting, tossing and turning themselves, in THEIR graves!
Hmm? Chuck is not dead? Oh - sorry C.N. - N? Ha. Sorry again - couldn't resist...! :\


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