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Hmm... 07/07/07 - a tool for 666...?

Some kid posted this, weeks in advance:
"I was going to go to 7.7.7 but here is the reason why I am not going..
Many thanks to MrAusBear and MrLeN for their assistance..
You have been warned!!!"

After seeing but a portion of the Mad-Onna one's performance
(another "dance endiablée" rendition of HUNG UP...)
I must say...
Hell, yeah!
The master deceiver -heck, the father of deception-
the devil sure succeeded in taking out any thoughts of God
out of people's minds
on the "holy day / miracle day" of 07/07/07...


More videos to be found here
- videos that have to do with the 07/07/07
Live Earth event per say!

(Hmm... I wonder if Muse will
perform THIS song...?)

free music



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