Or do we have to call this one
the Jon Benet Syndrome?
They are fair little girls with
blond hair and innocent angelic eyes
- and yet people hate them
and kill them?
Who would want to cause harm
to such fragile tiny damsels
that are unquestionably 100% pure
and could not hurt a fly...?
From the snowy Boulder, Colorado American suburbs
to the sunny Praia Da Luz, Portugal
dream vacation resort
- seems like the same monsters
are lurking everywhere...
ready to strike at poor defenseless prey.
For Carol Ann - in the classic film
"Poltergeist" -
it was evil mean spirits from beyond;
in real life though,
it seems as if we'll never really know
who the mean, unclean spirits were
(surely to be found in the flesh...
and, perhaps, flesh with close kinship)
- these malicious fiends,
whoever they are,
that caused such heinous harm to both
Jon Benet Ramsey
and now, Madeleine McCann.
the Jon Benet Syndrome?
They are fair little girls with
blond hair and innocent angelic eyes
- and yet people hate them
and kill them?
Who would want to cause harm
to such fragile tiny damsels
that are unquestionably 100% pure
and could not hurt a fly...?
From the snowy Boulder, Colorado American suburbs
to the sunny Praia Da Luz, Portugal
dream vacation resort
- seems like the same monsters
are lurking everywhere...
ready to strike at poor defenseless prey.
For Carol Ann - in the classic film
"Poltergeist" -
it was evil mean spirits from beyond;
in real life though,
it seems as if we'll never really know
who the mean, unclean spirits were
(surely to be found in the flesh...
and, perhaps, flesh with close kinship)
- these malicious fiends,
whoever they are,
that caused such heinous harm to both
Jon Benet Ramsey
and now, Madeleine McCann.