Hmm... Just to make things clear here...
This Luciano is not this Luciano - or is he?
Hmm... Why don't you ponder that for a while now, eh?
While I'm on the subject of lookalikes, though - one of my own flesh-and-blood ones whose site used to be here now gives out this definite sign of disarray when one tries to access it: a message that reads
"This account has been suspended.
Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources."
The site which promised a sweet "démystification de l'acuponcture par le biais de renseignements et de photos sur cette médecine douce" must have left too many mystified indeed - and running back to the traditional quacks, methinks?
The lack of noticeable results and/or actual improvement of one's health can only result in that sad pilgrimage, hmm?
Well, maybe it's just off(line) for the holidays, though?