Débat 110% - Partie 1 (15/04/08)
Depuis la défaite du Canadien dimanche soir en prolongation, nombreux sont les journalistes sportifs qui ont fait des suggestions à Carbo.

Débat 110% - Partie 1 (15/04/08)
They're supposed to be IMPARTIAL - not give free advice to ONE SIDE over the other; influencing the STORY they'll be publishing shortly, in the process! And they dare frown upon bloggers - sheesh! You can't - not when your journalistic ethics are so low! What does this say, really - if you take something to heart, you will intervene (in some mild way only, of course - but intervention in any way is forbidden! Journalists are only to report a story; not shape it! They are supposed to observe and report - not even to give their opinion on it! And it takes a pundit blogger bandit to tell them how to do their JOB...! Hmm...)
Ultimately, I wonder WHAT THE HELL here; did these VERY partial so-called journalists and alleged members of the press really want to see their damn Canadiens not lose a single game...?!? Do the Canadiens deserve to be undefeated? NO! They're not perfect - in any way, shape or form! ONE DEFEAT, on Sunday night - and it should have been three in a row - and these members of the press simply had to come to the rescue and flood Carbo with precious advice on how to avoid "losing (just) another one" - is that it?
Ah but that's right... that's right... These so-called journalists, this special breed here, is simply NOT "real" pros - they're for the better part former haggard coaches and also wanna-be players who, too meek to choose that career-path, went into communications instead...
Besides, everybody's an expert and every single one of them is living vicariously and by proxy through the exploits -and failures- of their favorite team...!

Débat 110% - Pré-débat (14/04/08)
Débat 110% - Pré-débat (14/04/08)
Les partisans du Canadien auraient-ils enterré les Bruins de Boston trop vite? Pourtant, ils devraient savoir que l’on ne doit jamais vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué... Hier soir, les joueurs de l’entraîneur-chef Claude Julien méritaient amplement leur victoire en prolongation. Le quatrième match revêt donc une très grande importance. Carbo aimerait certainement rentrer au Centre Bell avec une fiche de trois contre un... Attendez-vous donc à un match très serré sur la glace du TD Banknorth Garden, mardi soir. Non, les Bruins ne sont pas morts et ce sera le sujet du débat à 110 %
Update: that precious "advice" was so good, the Boston Bruins won the next two games, with a flurry of goals in the third period! 5-1 was the final score, in Montreal to boot! And then the Bruins won in spectacular fashion 5-4, back in Boston, outscoring the hated Habs 4-2 in the third frame.
Gee - I wish Carbo had gotten more advice like that!
Both earlier and later on...!
Depuis la défaite du Canadien dimanche soir en prolongation, nombreux sont les journalistes sportifs qui ont fait des suggestions à Carbo.
Débat 110% - Partie 1 (15/04/08)
They're supposed to be IMPARTIAL - not give free advice to ONE SIDE over the other; influencing the STORY they'll be publishing shortly, in the process! And they dare frown upon bloggers - sheesh! You can't - not when your journalistic ethics are so low! What does this say, really - if you take something to heart, you will intervene (in some mild way only, of course - but intervention in any way is forbidden! Journalists are only to report a story; not shape it! They are supposed to observe and report - not even to give their opinion on it! And it takes a pundit blogger bandit to tell them how to do their JOB...! Hmm...)
Ultimately, I wonder WHAT THE HELL here; did these VERY partial so-called journalists and alleged members of the press really want to see their damn Canadiens not lose a single game...?!? Do the Canadiens deserve to be undefeated? NO! They're not perfect - in any way, shape or form! ONE DEFEAT, on Sunday night - and it should have been three in a row - and these members of the press simply had to come to the rescue and flood Carbo with precious advice on how to avoid "losing (just) another one" - is that it?
Ah but that's right... that's right... These so-called journalists, this special breed here, is simply NOT "real" pros - they're for the better part former haggard coaches and also wanna-be players who, too meek to choose that career-path, went into communications instead...
Besides, everybody's an expert and every single one of them is living vicariously and by proxy through the exploits -and failures- of their favorite team...!
Débat 110% - Pré-débat (14/04/08)
Débat 110% - Pré-débat (14/04/08)
Les partisans du Canadien auraient-ils enterré les Bruins de Boston trop vite? Pourtant, ils devraient savoir que l’on ne doit jamais vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué... Hier soir, les joueurs de l’entraîneur-chef Claude Julien méritaient amplement leur victoire en prolongation. Le quatrième match revêt donc une très grande importance. Carbo aimerait certainement rentrer au Centre Bell avec une fiche de trois contre un... Attendez-vous donc à un match très serré sur la glace du TD Banknorth Garden, mardi soir. Non, les Bruins ne sont pas morts et ce sera le sujet du débat à 110 %
Update: that precious "advice" was so good, the Boston Bruins won the next two games, with a flurry of goals in the third period! 5-1 was the final score, in Montreal to boot! And then the Bruins won in spectacular fashion 5-4, back in Boston, outscoring the hated Habs 4-2 in the third frame.
Gee - I wish Carbo had gotten more advice like that!
Both earlier and later on...!