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Hmm... Cré Basil... et câline de Claude!

Basil Parasiris acquitté (13/06/08)
Basil Parasiris acquitté (13/06/08)

Over there in the northern historical mistake that is Quebec (or, as a certain mayor and former TV personality always says, le "Cul-bec"...) - another miscarriage of justice has just occurred.

They not only acquitted an assassin, they cleared him of any blame and objurgated the police operation that was absolutely RIGHT in attempting a surprise sting in "Cré Basil's" house, there...!

The cherry on top was to hear veteran "crime time journalist" Claude Poirier come out and say that "the verdict was no surprise" to him and that, if it was both a terrible surprise and a huge disappointment to the police, it was "a bit too much" for the chief of police to make a statement that clearly pinned all the guilt of the officer shot dead's gruesome demise (he was shot in the face through a door) squarely on the shoulders of the acquitted Basil bastard...

It's "a bit too much," really, Claude?


Maybe you've outlived your usefulness and outstayed your TV-news welcome, Claude! Already, your hokey way to "take for the Bruins" was hard to swallow: you CLAIM to be a Boston Bruins fan, yet do nothing but criticize them and lament that the "good old days with Cam Neely are long gone"... (Might as well say that the Bobby Orr days are long gone too - you're old enough to remember them well, you clod!)

YET, Cam Neely himself is OK and VERY POSITIVE with the present-day outlook of the Boston Bruins. He was confident the current team could complete the comeback they staged in the first round of the playoffs - and they sure could have. In fact and in truth, they SHOULD ahve WON the series with the damn Canadiens in the first six games - but YOU, Claude Poirier, so-called Bruins fan, only jumped on the bandwagon when the Bruins won game 3 in overtime. And then won game 5, in Montreal, by the lopsided score of 5-1! ONLY THEN did you become "a fan" again - before then, you were just critical of any and all of the Bruins' assets! That is NOT being a fan - a true fan will be supportive and positive, no matter how bleak the outlook may be (and here, it isn't bleak at all!)

So, NOW, back to your "expert analysis" of this verdict...
YOU KNOW how police operates, Claude...
They shout "police" whenever they're going in - they are also very recognizable and any criminal element (like, ah, BASIL!) is always wary of getting a visit from them guys in blue or black...!
YOU KNOW that, in 1001 previous operations, the cops proceeded exactly the same way and it was NEVER deemed to be "illegal" in any way - as this was judged to be in THIS MISJUDGED AND MISCARRIED CASE...
Why would it be illegal now - because Basil, unlike other druggies, is not shacked up in a cheap apartment but actually owned a two-storey HOUSE...? (And cocaine, crack, 13 cellphones, 4 guns, hash, pot, margarine... Getting carried away here, but you get my drift: he had a little bit of everything in there!!!)

Cré Basil is so well-to-do, in fact, that he could afford a solid legal defense: one that won his case, unjustly!

And now - Basil is set free, when he's clearly GUILTY, YES...
And you think otherwise, Claude?

You might claim the so-called "illegal operation" set the stage for the tragedy and that it doomed Daniel Tessier - but the fact remains that they burst into that house shouting "THIS IS THE POLICE" as they always do; and it's not their fault if Cré Basil was so doped up, so out of it or simply such a deep sleeper that he didn't hear it and assumed it was a rival invading his turf...!
HE SHOT THAT BULLET (several actually) - HE IS GUILTY!
Owning a gun is like wielding tremendous power - it comes with tremendous RESPONSABILITY. If even make-believe super-heroic crap makers know that, how could not gun-owners like the esteemed "honest citizen" CRÉ BASIL here NOT KNOW IT...?!?

How can YOU, Claude Poirier, not know any better too?!?

NOW, maybe, we know why you're known as the "negociator" - it is because you really are an in-betweener, neither good not bad... One such entity cannot mete out TRUE JUSTICE either - just like the pathetic judges they have up there NOR the the sorry individuals you choose to be part of the JURY...!

Overall score truly is: PATHETIC.

Oh, and in case you are from outside of P.Q. country (PATHETIC QUEBEC) and wondering: "Cré Basil" is a reference to a classic sitcom from there that was called... "Cré Basile" indeed. It starred Olivier Guimond, among other notables, and was written by Marcel Gamache - both of whom are ghosts turning in their graves now, for sure - just like Daniel Tessier is.

It'll be Cré Basil "Parasite" Parasiris' turn soon - I'm sure...

And probably Claude Poirier's as well - because, fans like him DO NOT deserve to live to see the Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup again - as they will do so very shortly, just before the world goes further down the tubes...!


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