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Hmm... I Said... But That Is Just Plain Stupid... Sir!

Picture this: I point out logic to a certain someone (along with some helpful tips on how to recapture the fine and certifiably lost art of having a heart...!) - and that certain someone embarks on a rant about "natural selection" - adapted to the cutthroat world of BUSINESS!

John McCain now - did he just say that the U.S. is "winning" in Iraq?!?
They'll certainly start referring to him as "McDoh" or Ron instead of John before too long; what a fine successor to Dubya he will be!

Canadian politicians are not any better - of course.
I hear Quebec's Prime Minister Jean Charest say things such as "what happened (or is happening) in the United States cannot happen in our country (read: province, of course!) and will not happen here."
The truth is, whatever it is that happens in the USofA, we feel the whiplash of it all over Canada! If not a ripple effect, we follow their example, good or bad, in true imitative/envious fools that we are! Now why, tell me why, Jean, would THIS MAJOR ECONOMICAL CRISIS be any different - hmm?
(Actually, no - I don't want Jean Charest to tell me! I want him to dispatch the ravishing and distinguished Michelle Courchesne to tell me - preferably over dinner, in a certain restaurant just across the street from a certain church in her very circonscription!)

Both Americans AND Canadians are surely in widespread denial nowadays: all the symptoms and awful signs are there WE ARE IN HE MIDST OF A RECESSION! They're waiting for someone or something HUGE to burst that bubble they've been living in, that's all...

For some odd reason, this all makes me think back to another famous difference of opinion I had with a certain American chap, years ago - the chap in question being comic-book writer Kurt Busiek, to name him! His argument was "instilling in the character of Aquaman any accentuated mental/telepathic powers would make him "Mind-Man" - we just give him his powers because those are his powers and that's what he is."
HA. Hogwash.
Superhero segregation, is what it is! And it would be shocking were Aquaman black and not caucasian and BLOND as he is! Black Panther, The Falcon, Icon and Green Lantern John Stewart all got cut off short and then, in an effort to be politically correct, gained in exposure for all the wrong reasons. Aquaman is in that grey area where he can't benefit from any breaks, really - and is even "ghettosized" for good measure!
But if Busiek's argument is valid, then it applies to ALL the make-believe four-color clods out there! Aquaman can only "marine telepathy" because "that is his power - that is what he is" or that is what he was created to be, the role he was assigned by the DC P-T-B's... In that case, make Superman's skin look like solar panels that overheat once-in-awhile too; because THAT IS WHAT HE IS! Plus, that is so ecologically correct these days!
Make Wonder Woman a woman of clay or silly putty or whatever you want her to be nowadays - because that is what she was made out to be, in the revision of her tortured character!
Make Martian Manhunter J'Onn J'Onnzz into a little grey type or the clichéd little green man while you're at it - because that is all he is and it makes absolutely no sense to give HIM large biceps and a Hulk-envy complex! Not when you don't want to give super-strength of significance to a battle-tested seaworthy veteran too...!
Aaaaaaaaaand... You could see it coming from a mile away, I'm sure... Make Batman a control freak, antipathetic, sociopathic, mysogynistic, manipulative MANIAC - because THAT IS WHAT HE IS (now) dammit - he's BATTY! DON'T EVER MAKE HIM OUT TO BE A "NICE GUY" - EVER AGAIN! Nice guys don't dress up like THAT in order to "do the right thing"... Only batty ones ready for the loony bin do!
In short, BE CONSISTENT - don't stray from the path you so foolishly aet for yourselves! If you carve something in (imaginary) stone - STICK TO IT, THE WHOLE LINE-UP THROUGH! Not only one or two characters... jerks!
Fair play and equal treatment as equal RIGHTS; it all seems to be anathema to you - hmm?

It is done much better, at least, in other "franchises" I will admit - even though I loathe those franchises too! Potter and Bond remain true to themselves, no matter what... Indy hasn't changed a bit... Each entry in the Austin Powers crappy series has him as dismal and abysmal as always - now that is consistency for ya! That scrumptious but without scruples Sharon Stone character was far more consistent too than any superhero fiend one can think of - throughout the first basic flick all the way through the sequel (and one can surmise that many films in-between were mild sort-of remakes/sequels of Basic Instinct too!)
Another sequel in 2017, miss Stone? Let's get back to basics every ten years - hmm?
Bah - on second thought, don't bother!


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