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Hmm... Gaga's An Inspiration?!?

Everybody wants to be a MONSTER now.
There is even a website that helps you find the job of your dreams out there - and that website's name is MONSTER!

How did monsters become so HIP, all of a sudden?

Is it because the generations X, Y AND Z cannot associate the right definitions to the appropriate words, as they cannot spell, pronounce and read overall?

Is it because the youngsters looooooove to give a new spin on old-fashioned words and concepts - like, all the time it would seem, making it all *their lingo* now...?

Or is it because of... Lady Gaga.
The weirdo so-called lady who is no lady - not meaning here that she has male genitalia at all. Although, weren't there rumors that she was a hermaphrodite some time back...? Hmm... But that is not the point right now - actually, it has no incidence whatsoever on the topic here or on anything else, at all!

As a self-proclaimed "monster", Lady Gaga has influenced and, yes, inspired MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of "freaks" - many of whom gain courage and even develop some spunk in the process here!

Indeed, the 10 million followers she has on Twitter alone, and many more without internet access, view Gaga as their de facto leader. The leader in a trend that has gone viral worldwide and that dictates that ACCEPTANCE is ALL.

And yet no one is all-tolerant, all-accepting, all-kind towards "the other" - not even these lovable & loving teddy bear monsters here...!

Some of them were asked though what the world needs and what they, as monsters, are doing in it - and some of the answers were extremely interesting indeed:

Flóra Németh, 21 ans
«Les jeunes sont très ouverts, et c’est une bonne chose. Notre génération peut amener le monde à un autre niveau. Nous pouvons incarner le changement.»

Job Favela, 27 ans
«Je suis né pour porter le poids de mon nom. Pour me ques­tionner et grandir. Pour forcer les autres à se questionner. Pour remettre en question ce qu’est la moralité.»

Tiago José Silva Eugénio, 16 ans
«Certaines personnes ne m’acce­p­tent pas comme je suis. Elles disent que je devrais être comme ci ou comme ça. Lady Gaga m’a fait réaliser que tout ça n’est qu’une phase à traverser dans ma vie.»

Hope you got all that - or, at least, the gist of it...! If not - use the translation tools found on the sidebar here, okay?

More quotes, anyone?

How about this one:
Lady Gaga: ‘Be a leader and push the boundaries of love!’

Seems like Lady Gaga is in effect a world advocate of PEACE & LOVE - 21st Century style!

I wonder what her definition of LOVE is, though...

Gaga was most assuredly quite the nerdy kid when she was growing up - if the rumors of hermaphroditism are true, it must have been hell going through adolescence... No wonder she feels for the bullied and the weird now. There is a huge, HUGE market there, assuredly - and who better to recognize it, tap into it and make a killing with it than one who was "one of those" not so long ago...?

What can we say - she was born that way...
And she wasn't born yesterday...

Born That Way, eh?
That explains quite a few things right there...



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