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Hmm... Haven't They Heard Curiosity Killed The Cat?

Why did the ninny NASA name their latest drone 
''Curiosity'' of all things...?!?
Of all possible names for it, couldn't they have gone with 
something more... valiant, awe-inspiring, noble perhaps? 
Something like ''Searcher'' or ''Explorer'' - 
names were taken already, eh? 
Or they just lacked that latest brand of 
''All-American Oomph'' 
that was so eagerly sought for here... 

Another fine way to misuse enormous sums of cold hard cash 
that could have done a hell of a lot of good right down here 
on terra firma - it only there was a will for that... 

Only in America indeed 
can one find all the arguments for such a waste of funds, 
time, effort and energy 
not to mention media coverage 
AND also find so many amusing 
derisive and right-on lampoons 
of the very same endeavour 
questioning with style 
the very heart of the matter 
and raison d'être of the entire thing!

One last one, before we go, 
one that is both a fine example of photoshop wizardry 
and a finer example still 
of what a real good use that can be made 
of social networks and the like: 
share gems like these 
to make the powers-that-be know 
that we disapprove of what they're doing  

This is, indeed, the only welcome 
that they deserve to get 
anywhere they go! 

Makes me wonder now, 
in parting, 
if the fact that the 
Total Recall remake 
(in theaters right now)
does not make it to Mars 
as the original did 
had anything to do 
with Curiosity 
being there...? 


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