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Hmm... B.A.D. To The Bone?

And so it is B.A.D. - and what have *you* done? Hmm?  HMM?

This cool thing called a ''social media badge widget'' (by StressFreeSites!) was to be found on the lower left corner of their webpage - but it is clearly embeddable exclusively on Wordpress blogs - and so it has me thinking... How can it truly be called ''stress free'' when it infuriates ME and EVERYONE ELSE that wanted to embed this thing onto HERE... for example... HERE being a good old-fashioned, slightly archaic (perhaps) Blogger blog!   And Stress Free Sites (SFS - hmm?) has the gull to ask on their site if we are, in fact, feeling stressed...? OF COURSE WE ARE - AND YOU  ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING TO BETTER THAT SITUATION, DESPITE YOUR BEAUTIFUL PROMISES...!!!  Personally, I am way fed up with all manners of widgets, great and small: the damnable things fail you, always, sooner or later.  Why bother going through so much trouble, accessing your template, finding just the right spot and right size and embedding something that is, most certainly and assuredly, going to bail on you within a very short time - HMM?  It is not a question of stress anymore, at this point, it is a question of WASTING YOUR TIME AND GETTING ONLY TEMPORARY RESULTS AT BEST FOR ALL YOUR TIME LOST AND EFFORTS DEVOTED TO THIS LESS-THAN-GREAT ''CAUSE''...!

Of course, wasting time denouncing the whole blameable thing might be as bad as anything else described above here, I concur...

But, suffice it to... er... type... that we must get this off our chest and then we will all move on with a better grasp of what we should allow to ''stress us'' - and what we shouldn't bother with one iota from this point on!  ''Stress''...  ''Frustration''... ''Annoyance''... CALL IT WHAT YOU WILL!  But surely, our electronic i.e. cyber experiences meet the same levels of those as our REAL LIVES...
And we shall not tolerate it anymore!!!


Makes you want to turn off the computer - and throw the modem right out the window!  
(The modem - not the computer! (Because, odds are, you are renting the modem from your equally-damnable internet service provider 
(I.S.P. -
might as well call it an ASP, 
if you ask me!) 
while your computer 
(and keyboard, mouse, monitor) 
were your 
personal purchases 
and should be spared, 
at all cost...! 
It is as a great mind once said: 

And, just as if on cue, we hear about this most revolting turn of events 
just as we wrestled with every other source of annoyance:  
censorship has struck again. 
So much for the ''Power of We'' hmm? 
Or, perhaps something like this 
can finally trigger its full power 
and unleash it at long last...

A.P.I. (or, as I like to call them, PAI...) 
announced that ''@Anon_Central'' 
has just been suspended 
over at Twitter 
which, along with Blogger, 
YouTube, Tumblr and more 
sure is a huge part of this ''B.A.D.'' process going on here...
The nonsense is immense 
and the retort unequivocal, too:

So then, to be a part of B.A.D.
you really have got to be BAD indeed...
They force us to be!

Twitter is getting some major trouble in the next 24 to 72 hours - and, damn it all, I just logged on to it for the first time in...
No, not months - MORE THAN THAT!

So much for LESS STRESS...

And about that damnable S.M.B.W. indeed - that wicked widget that we wanted to embed so much, right here...?  Well...  We found that we could live without it so damn well - especially once we got the code for this alternate pick right here:


Blog Action Day 2012


blogactionday12 profile
blogactionday12 Sor far bloggers from 108 countries have registered to take part in Blog Action Day.… 2 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
abodmu profile
abodmu Finally @Pencil_smd & @dearlucyID is back on stage, performing acoustic di #BlogActionDay2012 #BAD12 di plaza mulia samarinda 14.30 siang. 13 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
mich1mich profile
mich1mich It's Blog Action Day tomorrow. Bloggers unite under the theme The Power of We. Is your post ready?#powerofwe #BAD12 11 hours ago ·reply · retweet · favorite
technoshaman profile
technoshaman I’m taking part in Blog Action Day, October 15, 2012. Join me & register your blog today #BAD12 9 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite


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