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Hmm... The B-Day Of An Atheist Now?

Is the birthday of such a fool worthy of celebration - even ''x'' number of years after he croaked?  That is the question we are asking ourselves today (or tonight) on the blog that makes its readers go ''hmm'' just as we go ''hmm...'' over a 1001 topics...!  (Get that nuance, there?)

Okay, forget all that and just ask yourselves if such an (quote-unquote) ''occasion'' is worth one of them infamous (and often insane) Google Doodles now...!

Just click on this one - if only to play with the little alien iPad in it (clue: it says ''Don't Panic'')

Yeahhhh... Good ol' Douggie 
(nah - he wasn't so ''good''!) 
would have been 61...
Too bad he didn't even make it to 50, 
in reality - and never saw that awful 
movie adaptation 
of his masterwork...!
GOD Beamed him up first -
which is quite the ironic thing , 
for one such as him... 
I'm sure he wasn't laughing though - 
not this time, he wasn't.


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