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Hmm... The Invincible Ignorant Again?

You've heard of that theory before -  haven't you all? 
The theory of ''invincible ignorance'' - when one chooses it 
and therefore knowledge cannot penetrate in there, 
breach those defences, because this type of ignorant 
wants to remain ignorant! 

Seems like we've reached a point in which, indeed, 
amidst all the apparent wealth of data providers 
and all the possible (and impossible) sources 
of vital and even secret information, 
that we can truly call those who shut their eyes 
and stuff their ears willingly, 
in order to keep out all of that from coming in, 
and nurturing thought-process, 
stimulate brain-cell growth 
and more - much more...
well, those individuals who knowingly 
or unknowingly do just that 
can certainly be called 
the Invincible Ignorants of the 
21st Century! 

Congrats... fools! 


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