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Hmm... So Then... Who Made The Pyramids, Again?


Now, whoever put this diagram together -and shared it on FB- clearly had an agenda: he or she chose to represent similar stuff in order to prove or impose his point - which is a definitive no-no in objective scientific extrapolation, which is all this should be here, really.

The deliberate presentation of one specific style of pyramid - the step-pyramid, to name it - is to bring one and all to embrace that this durable method was used by three different but equally prone to be logical races separated by long distances and with zero means to have communicated back then, thus no ties whatsoever...  

But what races do we speak of here: the direct ancestors of the Mexicans were weird chicos that self-destructed in delusional rites and senseless alliances with Spaniard bastards who promptly stabbed them in the back (on top of contaminating them with previously unheard of viruses in the Americas!)  The forefathers of these, as many argue and anguish even ceaselessly over, hailed from a ''secret island'' and brought with them great knowledge that got diluted into mediocrity with each passing generation until the aforementioned self-destruction ... Indonesia (like China - in a way!)  was just as deluded and its history of interweaving influences is one of total utter confusion hardly susceptible to produce such logical thought in architecture or any other fields really - unless it came from elsewhere too...  And Egyptians - HA, Egyptians! You look at them now and you wonder how anyone could have ever viewed these guys as a ''superior race'' at any time in human history; Heaven-Forbid in the most ancient times we know of!  Some Egyptians I met recently couldn't even figure out the simple concept of RECYCLING: others I heard about, from acquaintances, apparently see no use for basic hygienic customs such as individual plates come dinner time... They do not grasp elementary things nowadays; and their ancestors were geniuses ahead of their time?  (Cleopatra wasn't even that cute - in truth! But that is another story...) And these guys would have made pyramids perfectly aligned with the stars? Please...  The most accurate portrayal of ancient Egypt is found in The Ten Commandments: slavers profiting from others' hard work AND someone else's genius - the brilliant intellects that had come to teach them how to build pyramids in the first place! (And then they get wiped out in one swift tide! But that's another story, too, probably best suited for another blog... So, carry on now... Back to the subject at hand: pyramids! Shoo!)

Three clues who that was, now: ancient Mexico is all about the people hailing from a mythical place called Aztlan...  Indonesia is in a geographical location extremely similar to the more famous two with pyramids upon their shores: it is actually closer to Santorini, which many believe to have inspired a certain Plato to write his famous account of a mythical doomed place...  And Egypt is the next logical stopover for any survivors of a sunken, once mighty civilization endowed with great knowledge and keen on helping out so many troglodytes on all shores of the world, hoping they avoid committing the same mistakes they eventually committed though - but that's another story!  

Have you guessed it, yet?  Do we have to spell it out for ya?  Maybe this will help:

  • Luciano Pimèntel Come ON...! Did somebody else comment about the pyramids' proximity to large bodies of WATER here? ('Cause I don't have time to check!) Because that is unquestionably the KEY here: it sure wasn't Mexicans or Indonesians who made them all by themselves. And it sure wasn't Egyptians either! (Those I know can't even figure out how to make a house of cards; mind you, I know Canadians-Americans-Italians-Greeks-Armenians-Lebanese-Portuguese-&-Bulgarians who cannot either! But that is another story...) But seriously - NO HUMAN CIVILIZATION NEEDS APPLY HERE (given the same materials and reasonable amount of slave labour, even) HOWEVER it certainly wasn't ALIENS that swooped down the skies to make pyramids on Earth!!! My - does it have to be spelled out for you all, yet again - it was ATLANTEANS, of course!

Leave it to some reply on FB itself to put things right as they should be - right where the subject was raised in the first place...!  :-)


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