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Hmm... Is It Really That Rare?

Friday The 13th 
a Full Moon too...!

It's ''double your fun'' time, hmm...?

Wiccans, witches and assorted creatures of the dark side 
are all jumping for joy over this ''event''...
For it so rarely occurs indeed, that
the next one should be 
only in 2049...
If the world
still spins

Personally, I always thought 
Jason Voorhees would have been 
so much more interesting 
were he to be revealed as 
a werewolf, too...

Now there could have been no doubt have THAT would have ended:
no kids would have escaped THAT summer camp...!

But let's face it: 
the above GIF was most probably concocted 
to laud an entirely different Jason's howling-est turn - 

So, we're pretty much back to square one, then - 
and all we can hope for, one day, is that they'll waste 
even more celluloid on this ''un-saga'' 
so that we can see Voorhees, the star of those lousy 
''Friday The 13th'' movies 
being pitted against a pack 
of hungry teen-aged werewolves - 
who'll promptly throw up 
once they're through with him! 

They don't even need to make that movie;
I think the mental images I created here, 
with but a few descriptive words, 
have done the gruesome job already...!

Besides, there have been enough 
total complete wastes of celluloid 
in the last nine decades: 
- you might want to watch it

Loosely based on a true story, too...

C'est tout à fait de circonstance...!


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