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Time To Be B.A.D. - again!

Last year, I had chosen a different blog altogether 
in order to participate in this thing -
this year, let us just ponder the question asked, 
indeed - and, hey, whattayouknow...
I have got a blog just perfectly set for 
the task at hand here...!
And I've had it for years, too...
(But that is another question...)

what is it, for you and me? 
First and foremost, it is a bad word, all right; 
one that shouldn't even be, any longer, 
in this civilized world of ours - and yet 
it endures, 
in concept as in fact.
There is inequality between every bracket of society, 
pretty much: be it genders, races or religions - 
depending on the geographical location 
and various other factors, 
one or several can and will be 
advantaged while the other(s) 
will be severely oppressed.

Why so much inequality?
Our society appears to breed it. 
We appear to fester in it. 
We clamor for all to hear 
that, in our view, 
one and all are born equal -
yet what do we do? 
Less than 1% 
(hey - that famous 1% again...!) 
get all the breaks 
-but not limited to- 
tax breaks
while the others 
continue to pay 
through their noses!

The world remains rife with prejudice 
spawning this inequality; 
it begins very early on, 
as parents inculcate their bigotry 
but it gets truly reinforced 
during the first dozen formative years, 
in little and high school, 
as the interaction with other kids 
only confirms the truth about us: 
we live in a jungle 
where the stronger strives 
and the weaker will only struggle. 

Any pretending 
that all are equal in such a society 
-and that its justice is ''blind'' to any 
and all possible forms of discrimination- 
is total and utter hypocrisy. 
The kids, at least, have no such problems: 
they will clearly indicate 
the dichotomy that persists -
whether it is separating cool kids 
from nerds, whether it is based upon 
appearance or if it is, 
rarely so these PC days, 
based upon race and creed.

Upon reaching adulthood, 
the inequality will become 
far more pronounced -
and this despite 
the underlying 
generalized denial 
of this by society 

There will be inequality 
in salaries
-thus in buying power- 
in social standing, 
in leverage,
in respect.
For even in defining trash, 
folks have found multiple 
levels to lash out at!

But how can we lament all this?
The Greatest Man Who Ever Walked This Earth 
Said so, very clearly: 
and He Spoke of only two categories - 
the rich and the poor.
He Said: 
''as long as man endures, 
there will be the poor among you''
(I paraphrase!)

Inequality, therefore, 
will never go away.
We have got our fights cut out for ourselves, folks.
But knowing humanity as we do, 
no one's going to back down from this 


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