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Hmm... Time To Cry UNCLE?

Many are those crusty ol' uncle types pouting out there, this summer; they have been having doubts and expressed outright disgust and contempt over what Warner Bros. has done to their old favorites time has pretty much forgotten: the Men From U.N.C.L.E. - Illya Kuryakin and Napoleon Solo.

And, one has to wonder, looking at the evidence (and, yes, we have bothered to watch the film, too) - can these old geezers who double as fanboys still, after all these years, be blamed in the least?

The review of this Guy Flick will be unveiled on another blog, at another time (somewhere, here, on this vast, and ever luminous, TLB Prime Network!) but, for now, let us just ponder along with the fans over said evidence in this sordid affair, indeed...!

Huh? Who are you? 
I'M Illya Kuryakin!

well... it's HERE, actually - cry UNCLE already!


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