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Showing posts from 2017

Hmm... But It's The Children...!!!

... said Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman?  Okay - we're getting carried away here...!  But how not to get Dr. Quinn involved  -today, of all days-  WORLD CHILDREN'S DAY  (and everybody knows  that the good doctor Quinn  was the most fervent defender  of children's rights  one could ever hope to find  on any TV screen -  in any work of fiction - ever!) And we can bet that she would feel  outraged... by this:  Children's Day 2017 - The Google Doodle A great Google Doodle, sure -  but those GIFs though...?!?  ON THIS DAY???

Hmm... There We Go Again 1.0

There it is again - the whole debate... who is BETTER? Nobody! That's who... what... where, when and how! But do people listen to the truth of this statement? Do they grasp the futility of all this hogwashy nonsense; for to waste time discussing, debating & pondering who is better than whom leads absolutely NOWHERE! Do they understand that? Do they GET IT? No!  Hence... here we go! One would be lying if one did not admit that this sort of thing gives us the opportunity to ask OTHER QUESTIONS here - more important, deep and profound questions regarding... tastes, preferences and hairstyles! Yes, hairstyles! Why not? Those are important topics... Rrrrright? Those are things that matter to us EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY OF OUR LIVES! And those are things that make us go ''hmm'' - well, some of us anyway! As for the rest... nah - let's not go there! First things first though - let us submit for your assessment THE EVIDENCE: Step into the world of "Marv...

Hmm... Who Would Win?

The Fab Four or The Four Horsemen? In this context of pure ''what if'' or rather  ''if this happened... what then''  sort of psychotronic purée...  We have got to break it down here,  one by one  (or, rather, two by two - eh?)  in order to possibly make any sense of it... George Harrison versus Arn Anderson  John Lennon versus Ric Flair  Paul McCartney versus J.J. Dillon  Ringo Starr versus Tully Blanchard  With the Three Stooges (who were, also, four!)  and the 4 Marx Brothers  looking on... from up there, realistically!?  Suspension of disbelief is truly extended to infinity  with these sort of things...!  Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan  could show up too - under these parameters!!!  But that's another story...  For other blogs - or fan fiction, perhaps?  Wooooo!

Hmm... Skip These!

We recently posted about a great many anniversaries of note  that you must take note of - and celebrate,  whether you intended to or not  as 2016 ended and led into 2017... That was on another blog... (HA. You probably were clueless about half of them;  that's why Newsweek makes them lists, y'know!  And *we* blog about it, too!  We complement each other -  awakening the masses!  That's you, duh!) ANYWAY...  It occurred to us, however,  a mere 24-to-48 hours later,  that further awakening  was maybe needed...  As in ''WARNING:  DON'T CELEBRATE THESE ONES,  WILL ROBINSON!'' Be a good Daggit now and... OBEY!  *LOL* So, here is our short list of those  terrible dates on the calendar  that you ought to simply  IGNORE... com muito desprezo!  You better, anyway... This time, it's Rolling Stone that provides  all th...

Hmm... All Types Qualify, Right?

But for the *one* type that qualifies most of ALL...  and the truly Luminous version of this list... you will have to click *here* to see it!

Hmm... Canada -Again- Eh

By this date, next year, usage of  CANNABIS should be LEGALIZED  all across what is alleged to be  God's Country...  GREEN Canada... Eh?  Or GREEN like THIS:   UNLESS...  it is really like this:  Yeah - like, thanks a million... Justin Trudeau!!!  Going from RED GREEN...  ... to GREEN DAY - instantly!!!  Hmm...

Hmm... You See A Diff'?

Ernest in a good mood... Ernest in a bad one: Obi-Wan in a good mood... Obi-Wan in a rut: Young Obi-Wan relaxed... Young Obi-Wan with his feathers ruffled... Godfather as the Puppeteer... Godfather as the puppet... Luciano... Luminous or Luciano not Luminous? Might as well go with Luigi then... hmm? 

Hmm... Which One To Celebrate... Hmm?

 The 115th of this... or the 375th of that?   The REAL founder of Montreal -most certainly-  not to be confused with modern namesakes like this   and not to be confused with the founder of the Soeurs Grises  ( Grey Nuns - but eligible widows, once upon a time...!) who herself is not to be confused with  yet another namesake ... and important builder  of this misbegotten Montreal place...! Should we pause and celebrate their historical MISTAKES... though they were good deeds and all...  Theirs and those poor fellows who came along, too -  Paul... Chomedey means only a sad district to me;  and Maisonneuve is a boulevard I avoid!  And Jacques - poorrrrrrr Jacques! Like his modern namesake on celluloid  (Clouseau) he was a clutz... underappreciated...  and his just reward for it all was... harsh. We added his name there - almost in jest! For the true "third founder" would be another w...

Hmm... May Day? Mayday?

Yay... MAYDAY! 

Hmm... It Was Ric Flair's Birthday, Yesterday?

Shall we invoke somebody he has never heard of - ever, ever, ever; I'd bet his Rolex that is worth more than my house on that - and suddenly sprout into song with this classic from Plastic (!) Bertrand of France... ''Je m'arrête ou je continue? (''X'' nombre d'années) oû j'en suis? À la fin - ou au début?''  Wooooo!  (Never heard this either? Here it is... I hope!) Not exactly a Nature Boy; Plastic Bertrand has absolutely nothing  in common with Ric Flair!  But his song was heard in the movie  ''Three Kings''  - so, maybe, the erstwhile leader of the  Four Horsemen  does know it...? ANYWAY... The thing to ponder here is this: when you get older (especially in the range Flair has attained now) - when is it time to finally say ''STOP'' (or ''I've had it'' or again ''I'm outta here!'' - but we may be using the wrong example here as Ric still take...