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Hmm... Which One To Celebrate... Hmm?

 The 115th of this... or the 375th of that? 

The REAL founder of Montreal -most certainly- 
not to be confused with modern namesakes like this  
and not to be confused with the founder of the Soeurs Grises 
(Grey Nuns - but eligible widows, once upon a time...!)
who herself is not to be confused with 
yet another namesake... and important builder 
of this misbegotten Montreal place...!
Should we pause and celebrate their historical MISTAKES...
though they were good deeds and all... 
Theirs and those poor fellows who came along, too - 
Paul... Chomedey means only a sad district to me; 
and Maisonneuve is a boulevard I avoid! 
And Jacques - poorrrrrrr Jacques!
Like his modern namesake on celluloid 
(Clouseau) he was a clutz... underappreciated... 
and his just reward for it all was... harsh.
We added his name there - almost in jest!
For the true "third founder" would be
another woman indeed: Marguerite Bourgeoys!
Not him! He just discovered the place!
But, as we said on TLB Prime... we value the discovery of things 
more than the groundwork, somehow - 
must be a Portuguese thing... sue us, will ya?!?

Anyway... 375 years later 
(and not much on - that island!)
And now they're going to spend a fortune 
to light up an old, beat up (by the harsh winters) 
miserable rusty bridge for this occasion...?!?

Too little - far too late! 

Thus, it cannot possibly surprise anyone 
that, in the light of all of these factoids...

We're going with the 


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