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Showing posts from 2018

Hmm... BF--FFs?!?

You all know what a BFF is...  Rrrrrrrrrrrrright?  So the question to ponder now is  THIS BLACK FRIDAY  -in the light of this information  right here; down below-  should this be thought of as  BF...FF:  BASTARDS FEST  FOREVER FOLLY  CULTURE EBENE  SHOULD BE ONE RELIABLE  SITE FOR THIS SORT OF DATA...  y'know. 

Hmm... How Come I Forgot All THAT?!?

Never mind that Asinine Americans forgot aaaaaaall about it - never mind it is said to be ''What History Forgot'' --- I, the Luminous Pundit should not have... normally would not have... simply ''forgotten'' anything - anything at all - just like... that! Naaaahh ...! Granted, I do have much more on my mind than just the less-than-300 years-old INFANT HISTORY of ''America'' --- I have TRUE HISTORY on my mind - always! The rich, millennia-old history of Europa --- all the way back to ancient history, ancient civilizations --- Atlantis! And more... much more! It is understandable, therefore, that one such as I -with a myriad of higher interests, facts and traditions to keep in mind, always- would tend to... forget certain mere... footnotes, or anecdotes of history - especially as it pertains to American history! That's what guys such as this AHC guy here (teacher for 18 years - isn't it at least twenty, by now? Duh!) are t...

Hmm... Bastille Day, Eh?

La prise de la Bastille...  La Révolution!  LA GUILLOTINE!  A great day to celebrate... hein?  Vous pensez ça, vraiment... les Français?   VRAIMENT?!? NOT!  Certainly not when one remembers  what truly transpired on that day... And, when you truly think about it,  what was obtained that day?  Liberté? POUR QUI - POUR QUOI?  Égalité? HA! PAS DU TOUT!  FRATERNITÉ?!?  Don't make me laugh!!!  Maudits Français - hypocrites!!  Tous des têtes de Macrons - va!  Forget your old adage/maxime/slogan... GO WITH  THIS BLOODY ONE INSTEAD:

Hmm... World Goth Day?

... I mean, REALLY?  Everything under the sun,  everyone and their most distant cousin;    ALL seem to have "their day" set in stone  --- i.e. on the social calendar, these days...  Haven't we gone too far now... Hmm?  For the record -and right off the bat-  the only "goths" that we will ever acknowledge  in these luminous parts here are  the Visigoths  and the Ostrogoths   --- capisce?  (This in spite of what they did to ROMA!  A barbaric twist on Veni, Vedi... Vinci, eh?  Well - we forgive... but we don't forget!  Don Luciano will *never* forget...!!!  But... Hmm... that is another story.)  Modern Goths are...  just not the same thing at all.  Whereas the Ostrogoth was rough and tough  (to the point of fighting off its brother barbarians!)   the Metrogoth (my invention - adore it) is weak.  Extremely weak, actual...

Hmm... What Is This Crap?

... well... *I* am having issues  with the amounts of  SPAM CRAP  that I get in my Gmail!  Very poorly written spam crap,  I might add...!!! It's like the spammers  are telling me:  " you're just like  the rest of the pack -  you don't deserve  that we put any time  and genuine effort  trying to goad you  into clicking  on that link ...! " DAMNED  SPAMMERS! I shall deal with ya now...