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Hmm... How Come I Forgot All THAT?!?

Never mind that Asinine Americans forgot aaaaaaall about it - never mind it is said to be ''What History Forgot'' --- I, the Luminous Pundit should not have... normally would not have... simply ''forgotten'' anything - anything at all - just like... that! Naaaahh...!

Granted, I do have much more on my mind than just the less-than-300 years-old INFANT HISTORY of ''America'' --- I have TRUE HISTORY on my mind - always! The rich, millennia-old history of Europa --- all the way back to ancient history, ancient civilizations --- Atlantis!

And more... much more!

It is understandable, therefore, that one such as I -with a myriad of higher interests, facts and traditions to keep in mind, always- would tend to... forget certain mere... footnotes, or anecdotes of history - especially as it pertains to American history! That's what guys such as this AHC guy here (teacher for 18 years - isn't it at least twenty, by now? Duh!) are there for: bring to light (though not necessarily a luminous thing, y'know...) the forgotten tiny, weeny little details of ''official'' history, what is deemed to be ''canon'' if you will - by both the establishment as the brainless masses that are being inculcated with it all, there - in the purported-to-be ''great'' U.S. of A...!

Now, don't get us wrong here: 
we absolutely love what whatsisname is doing there! 
And this network - AHC - and its core programming 
is, just about, a gazillion times superior to 
The History Channel and its poor, pathetic, 
Canadian counterparts: History Television 
and ''Historia''... duh! 
Heck, we are even ready to state that AHC 
is better than our own put-together playlist 
that we could only call ''Historia - Hélas!'' 
just to re-appropriate the Portuguese word stolen 
by Bédard and Co - those bastards du Culbec 
but that is another sordid bit of history right there... 
(Aye, it is fine collection of documentaries, well assembled; 
put together with meticulous, luminous attention, as we always do 
-you know it- but handicapped by several things at once, 
of course: the fact that one lacks absolute control 
over the content - that it is prone to vanish 
at the first hint of a copyright claim, 
this despite all the FAIR USE disclaimers 
one can add, everywhere... 
Plus the overall damned conditions 
surrounding YouTube itself - 
a damn catch-22 right there! 

You can watch the first 200 videos 
(give or take a few dozens or so) 
right here, on the screen below: 

No, it's not ''About A Gurl'' - nor is it the Gurl's fault... 
But, dammit - couldn't she have uploaded part two as well?!? 

But all this to say, though... 
It is not just to contradict Joe, 
but there really is no reason to think 
that there is so much hidden greatness 
in the history of the USA... yo! 

especially today: on Columbus Day! 

(another sad excuse for Americans, 
brave, bold or just plain dumb- 
to miss work, be lazy, drink beer 
and go crazy - without much of a cause 
or reason to, really!) 

For, once again and for the umpteenth time, 

As it is made amply clear by the following 
(meme, I guess it is...?) 
(does it qualify as such, internet DUDS?) 
(You know what... 
it doesn't matter what you think!!!) 

The preceding was made to circumvent 
-and bypass with style... and luminescence- 
that obtuse limitation that still exists 
on Twitter - despite what they had said 
quite a while ago too...! 

Hope you enjoyed it! 

... and if you didn't 
- see if I care! 


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