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Hmm... Under Quarantine, Eh?

So maybe you're under quarantine right now 
and feeling bummed out... blasé beyond belief... 
irremediably bored to death? 
(Bad choice of, ah, expression to use here; 
at this particular time... Mea Culpa! 
But hey - it's not like COVID-19 
is an instant death sentence ~ it is not
Odds are you'll get through it - 
if you even get it; which you might not! 
OKAY - let's move on...

You could sing the 
for instance: 

Think about it - no one will hear you sing along! 
... if you do not do anything stupid like video 
capture it and share it on social media! 

You may also want to go out for a walk - 
oh yes, you can still do that! 
As long as you remain distant and unreachable 
at all times - from anyone you may encounter! 
(Don't want to brag here... but *I* have 
always been a Master at social distancing 
--- for yeeeaaaaaaaaars!!! 
You can do it, too: the only prerequisite is 
not being a people's person. 
And, surely, reading my blog(s) and all... 
you are not one of those - are you?!?)  

There is a song - or there are several, actually - for just about 
everything and anything under the sun... eh?!? 

But if all that seems... boring, too 
-as much as you were at the very beginning of this-
there is one other thing that I will humbly 
suggest here... (and Lord Knows there are 
tons of others offering the same thing; 
it's running the gamut from any filmmaker 
wannabee out there to established chaps 
and gals - to fine museums making 
art pieces accessible virtually online now 
and archives of all sorts, 
music libraries, Netflix, Quibi... 
The competition is legion!!!) 
I will humbly suggest... 
you flock over here and discover 
my shorts to be viewed on 

Ahh... above video not included! 


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