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Hmm... The "LAISSER-ALLER" Is Truly Going Too Far Over In "QUAW-BECK" Land...

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True journalism pros would have gone with "TOUT MONTRÉAL" and not with the feminine take of the city (even though, in French, a city - une ville - is a feminine word...) because doing it this way makes the uneducated immediately think it is okay to say "prête" (or "prette" really - as it spells itself out in their minds) on EVERY occasion... Such as "le diner est prette" and "les travaux sont prettes" - yikes! RDS (RIS -not as in LOL, no - READ ON...) failed miserably in its role to educate and give out a PRIME example on how to SPEAK properly, there...
But there is worse where that came from...

As if that sorry turn of phrase wasn't bad enough, check out what we find here, on the RDS.CA website (lest it is the laughable RIS.CA site now...? Get it - RIS = LAUGH, in French! It almost reads like they did it ON PURPOSE! Self-detrimental humor is a habit of a lifetime for some - and it was quite lucrative for the likes of Woody Allen for instance; however, here, I just think they are inept, that's all! But I am digressing again...)
HENCE, here, I commented on the addition of a mere GOON made out to be something more than what it truly is (an insignificant desperate move by a GM out of ideas... number 23, Bob Gainey!) and I just had to knock some sense into them goon-lovers...
Here is what I said on the sorry subject:
George Laraque c'est un peu beaucoup John Kordic version 2.0 - juste assez chanceux pour avoir été avec 2 équipes au bon moment (les Oilers puis les Penguins - 2 apparitions en finale par pur concours de circonstance) et c'est pas mal tout ce qu'il y a dire là-dessus. Carbo et les partisans vont surtout en rager quand George commettra une bévue qui coûtera le match, oui... Je ne vois pas ou très peu de chances de l'apprécier - à moins qu'il continue une chronique ici et donne la chance aux amateurs de passer leur frustration en l'invectivant directement et ouvertement...? En bout de ligne, George va décevoir parce que seuls les chauds partisans de violence sur glace vont vraiment "apprécier" ses "talents"... Je vois mal comment un combat pourra donner de la motivation aux moumounes Kostityn ou au gardien Price! Cela égaiera tant soit peu les matchs les plus mornes... Mais la SRC trouvera plus à faire avec lui, je pense bien: après tout, Laraque pourra toujours représenter le CH chez Laflaque...!

I don't think silly RDS/RIS published that one either!
They can't recognized a good piece of writing from a bad one if their LIVES depended upon it...
Well - their loss, our gain (or good riddance, really!)
At least they published OTHER GEMS OF MINE...
Hint, hint...!


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