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Hmm... It's All About Me - Is It? No It Isn't!

Some may have thought - and they may have said it out loud as well - that these blogs of mine have been aaaaaaaaaall about my NOMBRIL (belly button in French - and a way to convey the notion of both self-centeredness as of egotism, the condition called nombrilisme by some experts of ill-repute, which is the same darn thing anyways! Why are there always at least two ways to convey, in short, the exact same idea? But I am digressing now - or straying away from the core subject of the day here! So let's just move on...)

Well, in truth, NOTHING could be further from the truth!

My blogs have not solely been about MOI - what, with the lambasting blog, lunacy blog and ludicrous blog alone (that's 3 out of... anyway, it's a good percentage!) I have tackled more HURLU-BERLUS than anyone dares to shake a stick at and I have done it on MY TERMS - and on my turf too, sure... I have done so tactfully, meticulously, without exposing myself to anything and without overstepping my boundaries - which are even better than any so-called laws are purported to enforce already! But let's not get into that, either, just now - for all that is just to say that I HAVE OBVIOUSLY TACKLED MANY MORE *CASES* than mine alone. Period.

And I did so - because I care.

(And I pause with a "-" because I overemphasize things so that you, my readers, can read it exactly as I intended it to be read: so that there can be no misreading the key turns and twists (that has happened way too many times before, I'll tell ya...!) and no incomprehension AT ALL...! So wanna-be lit crits: my message to you is to simply BUG OFF. It's not a typo or a booboo; it's an intent. Case closed - and full stop.)

And sooooooo....

I blog, write, comment, tweet and chirp about "those other cases" - because I CARE.

Maybe too much. DEFINITELY too much.
But I do, I do - I surely do...

Lest why would I feel for such poor saps (FOR EXAMPLE) who have to live with the knowledge that their initials are... "B.S."

Brendan Shanahan - the new disciplinarian of the NHL, because the old disciplinarian of the NHL... well, sucked! Some other guy has acted as it during the Stanley Cup Finals though, as it wasn't B.S. here at all that suspended Aaron Rome for his disgracious goonery on ice in game 3 of the Finals against Nathan Horton and the Boston Bruins. If it had been, we wouldn't have seen Rome again until 2013! Or is that B.S. right there...? Anyways...

Britney Spears- need we say more about THAT?

Bill Simmons
- he who actually believed in all the shenanigans and histrionics of the pro-wrestling world; not only that, but it was the WWF (not the World Wildlife Fund) of the 1980s, so the guy truly is inexcusable... See him verse all nostalgic in writ over the Macho Man here - what is that? It's B.S.
His daily routine is all B.S. too - only he calls it the B.S. Report.
Is there anything to add to THAT? No, there isn't.
If the man is able to pick that ball up and run with it, it being that misfortune of life (of being stuck with that awful pair of initials) - well, the man is B.S. incarnate then. There's money to be made with that - indeed.

But enough with the BS.

I feel (SO MUCH) for such sad cases as the executive and the professional who work SO HARD (or hardly at all, as the cases may be...) to be THE BEST - to make money, to advance a career, a reputation, a portfolio, A LIFE - that isn't one at all, ultimately. Because when they stop and do "have fun" - they do not how to achieve that at all. Not as far as good CLEAN FUN is concerned, no they don't... All they can do is have fun in either a debauched way or a despicable way - at the expense of someone else. And then it is back on the job for these maniacs, once Monday morning rolls around - and the rat race to reach the top (of what?) is ON - again. Speaking of self-centered egos - these are the ones to point out right here. Not MOI!

I am NOT involved in any rat race whatsoever.

I live each day at a time.

Once upon a time, sure, I wondered about what tomorrow may bring and may be - and such blogs as Things To Come here on the TLB Prime Network still reflect that, somewhat. But the truth is, that blog is the least frequently updated one of the entire network - after one or two exceptions are factored in, sure...

Mostly, I care - I CARE - about the here and now.

I care about the injustices being perpetrated RIGHT AS WE BLOG AT THIS VERY MOMENT!


If I was truly "nombriliste" in the least, I would claim to have all the solutions for these things - and pass the ammo while I was at it.

But I won't.
And I don't.

Because the only One with all the solutions, all the answers, all the Hope - is Him From Whom All The Light Comes From.

And I am merely reflecting The Light.

I stated so very clearly on my mini-bio, mini-profile here, on Blogger: the critics should have read it more carefully because the word count there is very low. You had a chance to get through the whole thing and reach the end of it THERE.

I sincerely doubt that you ever got through the whole posts anywhere else on this TLB Prime Network - especially this one right here...!

Sans rancune, va!

Sempre Por O Melhor


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