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Hmm... It's All About Respect, Eh?

"Don't you ever, ever disrespect Ric Flair again!"

But... Who is Ric Flair, exactly, that we should respect him so very much? For the question CAN be asked...!

The man is borderline senile now - to beat the man is to stay the man, he sometimes mumbles - and it is understandably so after all the hits to the head that he has taken over his, what, 40-year career now...? He has hated natural rival Hulk Hogan for the better part of the last twenty years now, and yet he is siding with him now, among those "Immortals" dudes, as HH would say... Worse still; in doing so, Flair is siding with Eric Bischoff, the guy he despised back in the best (and the worst) days of the WCW... Ric Flair seems outright disoriented here.

The Ric Flair of old would have been more consistent - yet he was a backstabber who always thought of only himself (in most storylines anyways; even those enforcing "Horsemen first" group mentality) and it befit him because he is, after all, the "dirtiest player in the game" - which is hardly a reason why one should respect him either... Still, the man used to be more focused, shall we say...?

By sharp contrast, the man seems very confused indeed, these days: just look at the evidence of that in the video below, where one can see him standing next to three guys, to face four guys from a rival faction. Nothing wrong with that, surely - he has done this a million times over during his long, long career! The only problems are as follows: for starters, that the rival faction is his creation, Fortune! (Fourtune?) And the other guys are his new clique, the Immortal faction, which is not that impressive save from the fact that it unites some (but not even close to all) of the biggest names of the last three decades - plus several of their new cronies who are trying to make a name for themselves or have some alleged greatness rub off on themselves through sheer coexistence with the so-called greats. And then there is the man's pose: he clearly has four fingers up in the air there...! Not to signify that he still aligns himself with Fortune, because he doesn't, but to evoke the Four Horsemen, a faction that no longer exists! Aye, he is very, very, EXTREMELY confused...! Maybe he thinks this is still 1997...?
Have a look and confirm:

The fact is, Flair was not about respect as much as he was all about showmanship. The show always had to go on with him and his cronies - er, horsemen. He sacrificed a whole lot of his personal life to wrestling - and that was, in truth, so easy to do since he was having loads of fun making money, frolicking with the chicks, partying in-between wrestling events all over the globe...

Being handsomely paid to travel, party and fornicate is not quite worthy of respect, sorry...


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