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Hmm... PrimeTime-Out?

No time to waste watching what's on ''primetime'' - so they thought they'd help out by serving it
all up to you on a not-so-silver screen platter with ''Primetime In No Time.''
Makes complete sense.  Watch some high-and-lowlights now:

Whether it's by recapping the moves (like Jagger?) on ''Dancing With The Stars'' or the tunes (like Jagger's - sometimes) on ''The Voice'' - or giving a semi-detailed blow-by-blow account on what went on on reality TV trash shows (trashing them while they're at it; absolutely) such as ''The Pitch'' (the real-life version of Mad Men they say) or ''Celebrity Apprentice,'' recounting who got eliminated and who inched closer towards world domination in the process... Primetime In No Time promises to keep *you* informed of aaaaaaaall that's been happening - and that you've most likely been avoiding watching!

Some might say that the purpose of this ''service'' offered to all Yahoos out there is ill-defined and ultimately quite the useless thing that no one truly needs at all: after all, if one has no time to devote to this fluff, one should not be interested in it whatsoever either - rrrright?  Alas, reality-TV is like a virus and it does spread. People who do not watch it still know about it and talk of it at work during breaks (or during work itself - the blasted slacker wretches that they all are! But that is another story...)

And so a so-called ''service'' such as this one, kindly dispensed by Yahoo and whomever there, does meet some kind of sick, perverse, unnameable and undefinable ''need'' after all...!

It is true, though, no matter how much we dislike it all, that when coupling the so-called ''insight'' of these shows' devoted viewers with the lowlights (really) of each episode, one does learn something there: like, for instance, I had no idea a Miss Universe could be so beta, cold and ultimately bitchy - even when juxtaposed with ''the queen of mean''. There goes the beauty pageant contestant's ''angelic image'' I suppose - right through the window! Boo-hoo. We can thank Donald Trump for bringing out the worst in the universe - and in Miss Universe too (Dayana what's her name...?)

And we can thank the forked tongues behind ''Primetime In No Time'' too!

The host of these things -some Theo Von dude- has obvious fun being paid to do what we all do in the comfort of our living room or in front of our computer screen: dispensing would-be-witty commentary on all the goings-on from everything to anything on TV today. When the choice of shows runs the gamut from ''My BIG FAT American Gypsy Wedding'' to the Real Desperate Housewives - we know what trashy materials we can hope to get!  The only possible reason to want to keep abreast of all that is going on here, there, all over the place, is to be aware of how low the quality standards have gone nowadays: that and the levels of plain old decency...

Granted, Maria Menounos (one of many so-called ''stars'' - but that's another story, too) resorting to vampiric tendencies in her dance choreography, in order to gain points for originality and score big at that 'Dancing with the stars' thingie - that's not indecent per say.   One may even argue that it falls in line very well with everything else on reality-TV: seeing as everyone else -from The Pitch guys to the RDH bitches- is willing to do anything and everything in order to win...  That ''winning at all costs'' attitude on display is actually a great learning tool for all the youngsters that may be watching out there, yeah: they learn how cut-throat the real world out there really is, that much sooner...

But is that good TV - is that worthy of putting up on the airwaves - worthy of our time (let alone ''primetime''...!?)


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