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Hmm... To MANIF Or Not To MANIF...

That is the question nowadays indeed!  For, with all that is happening all over the world, with all the dirt coming out as it was predicted that it would (''all that is hidden will come to light'' - quote The Word!)  and all the evidence pointing at a handful of so-called ''powerful'' ones dictating all the chaos that goes one left and right - all to ensure their financial well-being remains as it is... NO OTHER REASON AT ALL!!!  And so, with all that going on, you'd have to be blind as a mole, stoic as a bat and dumb as a dorky member of parliament (those that don't take any decisions - in other words, the cronies) to not want to protest all this crap...  In certain parts of the globe, they call these things ''manifs'' - short for manifestations, manifestations, as they are, of the true will and level of ''fed-upness'' of the people...!  And they sure do have plenty of reason to be fed up, these people...

As everyone knows, there have been yet more rumors of war going around - this time, Syria is the target.  We're going to bomb Syria because Syria is bombing Syrians.  Makes sense.  Let's help them kill each other all the more efficiently - the American way!  Yup - it makes absolute sense.
Of course not!!!  Thus, people have been gathering to denounce the true motivation behind Western intervention in this situation (particularly American intervention: three guesses what it might be now... Think ''viscous substance'' and you'll be real close...!) and one such ''MANIF'' will be held in a place that doesn't matter at all (thus, you can bet that nobody will pay any attention to it, back where the disastrous decisions are made...) and it's going to happen in a mere couple of hours from now, as a matter of fact; EASTERN TIME, that is...

You recognize the Frenski...?  Of course you do!  La Place Du Canada - wow!  BIG DEAL!  Who in blue blazes will give a leaping frog about a bunch of mixed-in, mixed-up, blended-in, bland and out newly-arrived or poorly-assimilated for the longest time MOSAIC members of La Canada...?!? 
(By the way, let us precise this immediately that, the ''poorly-assimilated'' category may and really should include tons of local,''pure laine'' and native individuals totally born-and-bred there and not in the slightest way ''imported''... as they say! So this is not a knock on immigrants at all: it's a collective knock-out on everybody, ''toutes races confondues'' mixing and matching all the types of hurlu-berlus who truly believe that they can change the course of history by simply saying ''no'' - because it doesn't mean a thing for those who say ''yes'' and wield all the power to enforce that ''decision''...  You have to scare the bejeebies out of the madmen in power in order to put a stop to their behavior - and still, all it may accomplish is just make them restrain themselves, just a little bit...  For they will find other ways to achieve what they want to achieve!  Verily, pacifist protests cannot accomplish much, long term: nothing short of a full-fledged revolt will get the job done once and for all!  But then, newly-appointed leaders, in place of the despots and tyrants deposed, will, in time, commit the same atrocities those who preceded them were and are guilty of nowadays...  Verily, the only one who will change everything ONCE AND FOR ALL - is JESUS, THE CHRIST! Wait until HE Starts a Revolt, A True Revolution, the moment He Returns...!  None other will put things right the way He Will... But that is another story...)

Anyone up for these exercises in futility, in the meantime...?  Hmm? Anybody?

Actually, participating in such things accomplishes ONE THING - and one thing only: it entertains and nurtures HOPE, something we all need simply to go on living.  We like to feel and believe that we have fought the good fight, also - and that we have stood up for the right thing.

In this particular case, things can be deemed to be quite unto a keg of ammo that can burst into a much greater blast than the regional conflict it is at this time. Confined within the borders of Syria, it is nearly impossible for outsiders, westerners, to discern which side is in the ''right'' there; foreign intervention appears as the worst idea there could ever be, especially given the highly complex web of alliances set-up over that part of the world.  Geopolitics is the new dirty word of the modern world: it has been so for decades now...  In this particular situation here, one can easily imagine the most apocalyptic scenario unfolding following a foreign intervention - particularly an American one, of course.   Any number of possible scenarios can come out of it, in fact: and each possible chain of events bodes only terrible news for everyone else, not just Syrians.  The average American might protest against an intervention not to avoid war but really in a typical ''let them kill each other off'' repulsive attitude - but those in the know, those with better discernment, want no such war because of the possible repercussions of such a conflict, that would be nothing like the ''intervention'' in Irak... most likely. Many perceptive observers have likened this highly dangerous situation to 1962's Cuban Missile Crisis as it is the closest we're getting to a potential World War III in a long, long time...

Protesters make their clamor heard for PEACE... But they fail to see that their outcry has little and no chance to be heard by anyone in a position to do anything of significance towards that end.  And if they seek international aid in order to achieve JUSTICE for the victims of the senseless massacre going on in Syria right now - dream on, folks.  Hundreds of massacres have taken place throughout the world in the so-called ''modern era'' - and none have ever been punished, in truth.  Examples remembered by some, now, in order to sound the alarm of the ''never again'' variety in the hearts of some (or, perhaps, of an ''oh, not again'' type, really...) include another case of Syrian casualties: over 750,000 Syrian Assyrians murdered by the Turks during what was, officially, the Armenian Genocide that cost the lives of roughly millions of Armenians... Like now, in the present turmoil that has Syrians massacring Syrians, it was a case of tribes that know each other well settling things between themselves...  And what about the time Armenians massacred hundreds of civilians in Azerbaijan in 1992...? What of the time a so-called diplomat (he hailed from a hellhole totally devoid of class - so it is no surprise that he was such a failure at this, as he) helped a full-fledged genocide take place in 1994, supplying the ammo to the madmen there?  There was no ''JUSTICE'' either before, after and certainly not during those times of chaos and unrest - as so many died and the perpetrators were, oftentimes, able to escape our meek notion of ''justice''. And there sure as hell-will-burn-forevermore-in-a-Lake-of-Fire-of-coldness was no ''PEACE'' anywhere either - international intervention or not.  Many escaped our so-called sense of ''justice'' - through death itself!  They didn't meet ''justice'' - not yet, they haven't!  Oh, but they will; one day, they will meet a most awesome Judge - the only competent one there is!

Poor protesters, who have not learned a single lesson from history: there shall be no peace nor justice as long as man resolves the madness of man...  And Only God Knows if those who were massacred were not as guilty as those who massacred, too...!

And yet, protesters stubbornly call for PEACE - in the name of ''humanity'' and a form of ''unity'' of it that defies human basic behaviour as we know it...!

To quote a certain famous madman (...) ---  ''no peace...!'' 
But you can carry on protesting, protesters... And assorted ''manifestants'' alike...!



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