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All Hail The Matriarchy!

Women are, primarily, mothers - right? They're our mothers, our leader figures, our bosses! Whether chauvinism and sexism lash out repeatedly, it does so out of frustration for we truly are living, in fact, in a matriarchal society, folksies!  Never have a second's doubt about that...!

Who's the boss over at Google? If it's a man, he knows all that well and green lit the truth to be told, via an umpteenth doodle here:

If it's a woman - well, blow your own horn while they can hear you roar, hmm?  Yeah!

Stupendous work on thy doodle - 
once again, Google!
If only Gmail followed suit...

We usually would take this opportunity to run an extensive, drawn-out list of all the women we admire in the world - past, present and fictitious - but that would be over at our brother blog/sister site The Luminous Blog... but we have neither the time, nor the energy for that here, we are afraid!  

Mama will be understanding...!



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